Source code for dcf.cashflows.payoffs

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# dcf
# ---
# A Python library for generating discounted cashflows.
# Author:   sonntagsgesicht, based on a fork of Deutsche Postbank [pbrisk]
# Version:  0.7, copyright Sunday, 22 May 2022
# Website:
# License:  Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE file)

from ..daycount import day_count as default_day_count
from ..models.optionpricing import OptionPayOffModel
from ..plans import DEFAULT_AMOUNT

[docs]class CashFlowPayOff(object): """Cash flow payoff base class""" def __call__(self, _=None): return self.details(_).get('cashflow', 0.0) def __repr__(self): return str(getattr(self, 'amount', self))
[docs] def details(self, _=None): return {'cashflow': 0.0}
[docs]class FixedCashFlowPayOff(CashFlowPayOff): def __init__(self, amount=DEFAULT_AMOUNT): r"""fixed cashflow payoff :param amount: notional amount $N$ A fixed cashflow payoff $X$ is given directly by the notional amount $N$ Invoking $X()$ or $X(m)$ with a |OptionPayOffModel| object $m$ as argument returns the actual expected cashflow payoff amount of $X$ which is again just the notional amount $N$. >>> from dcf import FixedCashFlowPayOff >>> cf = FixedCashFlowPayOff(123.456) >>> cf() 123.456 """ self.amount = amount
[docs] def details(self, _=None): return {'cashflow': self.amount}
[docs]class RateCashFlowPayOff(CashFlowPayOff): def __init__(self, start, end, amount=DEFAULT_AMOUNT, day_count=None, fixing_offset=None, fixed_rate=0.0): r"""interest rate cashflow payoff :param start: cashflow accrued period start date $s$ :param end: cashflow accrued period end date $e$ :param amount: notional amount $N$ :param day_count: function to calculate accrued period year fraction $\tau$ :param fixing_offset: time difference between interest rate fixing date and interest period payment date $\delta$ :param fixed_rate: agreed fixed rate $c$ A contigent interest rate cashflow payoff $X$ is given for a float rate $f$ at $T=s-\delta$ $$X(f(T)) = (f(T) + c)\ \tau(s,e)\ N$$ Invoking $X(m)$ with a |OptionPayOffModel| object $m$ as argument returns the actual expected cashflow payoff amount of $X$. >>> from dcf import RateCashFlowPayOff, CashRateCurve >>> cf = RateCashFlowPayOff(start=1.25, end=1.5, amount=1.0, fixed_rate=0.005) >>> f = CashRateCurve(domain=[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], data=[-0.005, 0.00, 0.001], forward_tenor=0.25) >>> cf() 0.00125 >>> cf(f) 0.0013125 """ # noqa 501 self.start = start """interest accrued period start date""" self.end = end """interest accrued period end date""" self.day_count = day_count or default_day_count r"""interest accrued period day count method for rate period calculation $\tau$""" self.fixing_offset = fixing_offset """time difference between interest rate fixing date and interest period payment date""" self.amount = amount """cashflow notional amount""" self.fixed_rate = fixed_rate r""" agreed fixed rate $c$ """
[docs] def details(self, forward_curve=None): yf = self.day_count(self.start, self.end) details = { 'cashflow': 0.0, 'notional': self.amount, 'pay/rec': 'pay' if self.amount > 0 else 'rec', 'fixed rate': self.fixed_rate, 'start date': self.start, 'end date': self.end, 'year fraction': yf, } forward = 0.0 if forward_curve: fixing_date = self.start if self.fixing_offset: fixing_date -= self.fixing_offset if hasattr(forward_curve, 'payoff_model'): forward_curve = forward_curve.payoff_model if hasattr(forward_curve, 'forward_curve'): forward_curve = forward_curve.forward_curve if hasattr(forward_curve, 'get_cash_rate'): forward = forward_curve.get_cash_rate(fixing_date) elif isinstance(forward_curve, (int, float)): forward = float(forward_curve) else: forward = forward_curve(fixing_date) details.update({ 'forward rate': forward, 'fixing date': fixing_date, 'tenor': getattr(forward_curve, 'forward_tenor', None), 'forward-curve-id': id(forward_curve) }) details['cashflow'] = (self.fixed_rate + forward) * yf * self.amount return details
[docs]class OptionCashFlowPayOff(CashFlowPayOff): def __init__(self, expiry, amount=DEFAULT_AMOUNT, strike=None, is_put=False): r""" European option payoff function :param expiry: option exipry date $T$ :param amount: option notional amount $N$ :param strike: strike price $K$ :param is_put: bool **True** for put options and **False** for call options (optional with default **False**) An European call option $C_K(S(T))$ is the right to buy an agreed amount $N$ of an asset with future price $S(T)$ at a future point in time $T$ (the option exipry date) for a pre-agreed strike price $K$. The call option payoff provides the expected profit from such transaction, i.e. $$C_K(S(T)) = N \cdot E[ \max(S(T)-K,0) ]$$ Resp. a put option $P_K(S(T))$ is the right to sell an asset at a pre-agreed strike price. Hence, the put option payoff provides the expected profit from such transaction, i.e. $$P_K(S(T)) = N \cdot E[ \max(K-S(T),0) ]$$ As the asset price $S(t)$ is unknown at time $t < T$, the estimation of $C_K(S(T))$ resp. $P_K(S(T))$ requires assumptions on the as randomness understood unkown behavior of $S$ until $T$. This is provided by **payoff_model** implementing |OptionPayOffModel| and is invoked by calling an |OptionCashFlowPayOff()| object. First, setup a classical log-normal *Black-Scholes* model. >>> from dcf.models import LogNormalOptionPayOffModel >>> from math import exp >>> f = lambda t: 100.0 * exp(t * 0.05) # spot price 100 and yield of 5% >>> v = lambda v: 0.1 # flat volatility of 10% >>> m = LogNormalOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=0.0, forward_curve=f, volatility_curve=v) Then, build a call option payoff. >>> from dcf import OptionCashFlowPayOff >>> c = OptionCashFlowPayOff(expiry=0.25, strike=110.0) >>> # get expected option payoff >>> c(m) 0.10726740675017865 And a put option payoff. >>> p = OptionCashFlowPayOff(expiry=0.25, strike=110.0, is_put=True) >>> # get expected option payoff >>> p(m) 8.849422252686733 """ # noqa E501 self.expiry = expiry self.amount = amount self.strike = strike self.is_put = is_put
[docs] def details(self, model=None): details = { 'cashflow': 0.0, 'put/call': 'put' if self.is_put else 'call', 'long/short': 'long' if self.amount > 0 else 'short', 'notional': self.amount, 'strike': self.strike, 'expiry date': self.expiry } if model: amount = self.amount if self.is_put: cf = amount * model.get_put_value(self.expiry, self.strike) else: cf = amount * model.get_call_value(self.expiry, self.strike) details['cashflow'] = cf details.update( model.details(self.expiry, self.strike) ) return details
[docs]class OptionStrategyCashFlowPayOff(CashFlowPayOff): def __init__(self, expiry, call_amount_list=DEFAULT_AMOUNT, call_strike_list=(), put_amount_list=DEFAULT_AMOUNT, put_strike_list=()): r"""option strategy, i.e. series of call and put options with single expiry :param expiry: option exiptry date $T$ :param call_amount_list: list of call option notional amounts $N_i$ :param call_strike_list: list of call option strikes $K_i$ :param put_amount_list: list of put option notional amounts $N_j$ :param put_strike_list: list of put option strikes $L_j$ The option strategy payoff $X$ is the sum of call and put payoffs $$X(S(T)) =\sum_{i=1}^m N_i \cdot C_{K_i}(S(T)) + \sum_{j=1}^n N_j \cdot P_{L_j}(S(T))$$ see more on `options strategies <>`_ First, setup a classical log-normal *Black-Scholes* model. >>> from dcf.models import LogNormalOptionPayOffModel >>> from math import exp >>> # >>> f = lambda t: 100.0 * exp(t * 0.05) # spot price 100 and yield of 5% >>> v = lambda v: 0.1 # flat volatility of 10% >>> m = LogNormalOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=0.0, forward_curve=f, volatility_curve=v) Then, setup a *butterlfy* payoff and evaluate it. >>> from dcf import OptionStrategyCashFlowPayOff >>> call_amount_list = 1., -2., 1. >>> call_strike_list = 100, 110, 120 >>> s = OptionStrategyCashFlowPayOff(expiry=1., call_amount_list=call_amount_list, call_strike_list=call_strike_list) >>> s(m) 3.06924777745399 """ # noqa E501 if isinstance(put_amount_list, (int, float)): put_amount_list = [put_amount_list] * len(put_strike_list) if isinstance(call_amount_list, (int, float)): call_amount_list = [call_amount_list] * len(call_strike_list) self._options = list() cls = OptionCashFlowPayOff for amount, strike in zip(put_amount_list, put_strike_list): option = cls(expiry, amount, strike, is_put=True) self._options.append(option) for amount, strike in zip(call_amount_list, call_strike_list): option = cls(expiry, amount, strike, is_put=False) self._options.append(option) # sort by strike (in-place and stable, i.e. put < call) self._options.sort(key=lambda o: o.strike)
[docs] def details(self, model=None): details = { 'cashflow': 0.0 } cf = 0.0 for i, option in enumerate(self._options): for k, v in option.details(model).items(): details[f"#{i} {k}"] = v if k == 'cashflow': cf += v if model and self._options: d = model.details(self._options[0].expiry) d.pop('strike') details.update( d ) # details['cashflow'] = sum(option(model) for option in self._options) details['cashflow'] = cf return details
[docs]class ContingentRateCashFlowPayOff(RateCashFlowPayOff): def __init__(self, start, end, amount=DEFAULT_AMOUNT, day_count=None, fixing_offset=None, fixed_rate=0.0, floor_strike=None, cap_strike=None): r""" contigent but collared interest rate cashflow payoff :param start: cashflow accrued period start date $s$ :param end: cashflow accrued period end date $e$ :param amount: notional amount $N$ :param day_count: function to calculate accrued period year fraction $\tau$ :param fixing_offset: time difference between interest rate fixing date and interest period payment date $\delta$ :param fixed_rate: agreed fixed rate $c$ :param floor_strike: lower interest rate boundary $K$ :param cap_strike: upper interest rate boundary $L$ A collared interest rate cashflow payoff $X$ is given for a float rate $f$ at $T=s-\delta$ $$X(f(T)) = [\max(K, \min(f(T), L)) + c]\ \tau(s,e)\ N$$ The foorlet ($\max(K, \dots)$) or resp. the caplet condition ($\min(\dots, L)$) will be ignored if $K$ is or resp. $L$ is **None**. Invoking $X(m)$ with a |OptionPayOffModel| object $m$ as argument returns the actual expected cashflow payoff amount of $X$. >>> from dcf import ContingentRateCashFlowPayOff, CashRateCurve >>> from dcf.models import NormalOptionPayOffModel, IntrinsicOptionPayOffModel evaluate just the fixed rate cashflow >>> cf = ContingentRateCashFlowPayOff(start=1.25, end=1.5, amount=1.0, fixed_rate=0.005, floor_strike=0.002) >>> cf() 0.00125 evaluate the fixed rate and float forward rate cashflow >>> f = CashRateCurve(domain=[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], data=[-0.005, 0.00, 0.001], forward_tenor=0.25) >>> cf(f) 0.0013125 evaluate the fixed rate and float forward rate cashflow plus intrisic option payoff >>> i = IntrinsicOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=0.0, forward_curve=f) >>> cf(i) 0.00175 evaluate the fixed rate and float forward rate cashflow plus *Bachelier* model payoff >>> m = NormalOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=0.0, forward_curve=f, volatility_curve=(lambda *_: 0.005)) >>> cf(m) 0.0021158872175425702 """ # noqa 501 super().__init__(start, end, amount, day_count, fixing_offset, fixed_rate) self.floor_strike = floor_strike """floor strike rate""" self.cap_strike = cap_strike """cap strike rate"""
[docs] def details(self, model=None): # works even if the model is the forward_curve forward_curve = getattr(model, 'forward_curve', model) details = super().details(forward_curve) floorlet = caplet = 0.0 if isinstance(model, OptionPayOffModel): fixing_date = details['fixing date'] yf = details['year fraction'] amount = details['notional'] cf = details['cashflow'] d = None if self.floor_strike is not None: d = model.details(fixing_date, self.floor_strike) floorlet = model.get_put_value(fixing_date, self.floor_strike) # floorlet -= forward_rate floorlet *= yf * amount details.update({ 'floorlet': floorlet, 'floorlet strike': self.floor_strike, 'floorlet volatility': d.get('volatility', None), }) if self.cap_strike is not None: d = model.details(fixing_date, self.cap_strike) caplet = model.get_call_value(fixing_date, self.cap_strike) # caplet += forward_rate caplet *= yf * amount details.update({ 'caplet': caplet, 'caplet strike': self.cap_strike, 'caplet volatility': d.get('volatility', None), }) if d: details.update({ 'time to expiry': d.get('time to expiry', None), 'valuation date': d.get('valuation date', None) }) details['cashflow'] = cf + floorlet - caplet return details