API Documentation

Curve Objects

Basic Curves


Price object for assets


Curve function object


Curve function object with dates as domain (points)


Forward price curve with yield extrapolation


Interest rate curve and credit curve

Inheritance diagram of dcf.curves.curve
class dcf.curves.curve.Price(value=0.0, origin=None)[source]

Bases: object

Price object for assets

  • value – price value

  • origin – price date

>>> from businessdate import BusinessDate
>>> from dcf import Price
>>> p=Price(100, BusinessDate(20201212))
>>> p.value
>>> float(p)
>>> p
Price(100.000000; origin=BusinessDate(20201212))
property value

asset price value

property origin

asset price date

class dcf.curves.curve.Curve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None)[source]

Bases: object

Curve function object

  • domain (list(float)) – source values \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • data (list(float)) – target values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

  • interpolation (function) –

    (optional, default is defined on class level)

    Interpolation function \(\gamma\) such that \(\gamma(x_i)=y_i\) for \(i=1 \dots n\).

    If interpolation is a string, the interpolation function is taken from class member dictionary dcf.curves.curve.Curve.INTERPOLATIONS.

    Interpolation functions \(\gamma\) can be constructed piecewise using via dcf.interpolation.interpolation_scheme.

Curve function object

\[f:\mathbb{R} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}, x \mapsto f(x)=y\]
build from finite point vectors \(x\) and \(y\) using piecewise various interpolation functions.

>>> from dcf import Curve
>>> c = Curve([0, 1, 2], [1, 2, 3])

get the grid of x values

>>> c.domain
[0, 1, 2]

get the grid of y values

>>> c(c.domain)
(1.0, 2.0, 3.0)

get a interpolated curve value

>>> c(1.5)

update existing values

>>> c[2] = 4
>>> c(c.domain)
(1.0, 2.0, 4.0)

add new points

>>> c[3] = 5
>>> c(c.domain)
(1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 5.0)

mapping (dict) of availiable interpolations additional to dcf.interpolation

property kwargs

returns constructor arguments as ordered dictionary

property domain

coordinates and date of given (not interpolated) x-values

property table

table of interpolated rates (pretty printable) given by dcf.rate_table().


build curve object with shifted domain by delta


delta – shift size


curve object with shifted domain by delta

class dcf.curves.curve.DateCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None)[source]

Bases: Curve

Curve function object with dates as domain (points)

curve function object with dates as domain (points)

  • domain – squences of date points

  • data – squence of curve values

  • interpolation – interpolation function (see dcf.curves.curve.Curve)

  • origin – inital origin of date points (used to calculate year fractions of poins in domain)

  • day_count – day count function to derive year fractions from time periods

>>> from dcf import DateCurve

domain given as date/time measured in year fraction (float)

>>> domain = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0
>>> data = 1, 2, 3, 4
>>> c = DateCurve(domain, data)
>>> c.domain
(0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0)
>>> c(0.75)

domain given as date/time measured in dates (date)

>>> from datetime import date
>>> domain = date(2022, 8, 12), date(2023, 2, 12), date(2023, 8, 12), date(2024, 2, 12)
>>> data = 1, 2, 3, 4
>>> c = DateCurve(domain, data)
>>> c.domain
(datetime.date(2022, 8, 12), datetime.date(2023, 2, 12), datetime.date(2023, 8, 12), datetime.date(2024, 2, 12))
>>> c(date(2022, 11, 12))

domain given as date/time measured in dates (BusinessDate)

>>> from businessdate import BusinessDate
>>> t = BusinessDate(20220212)
>>> domain = tuple(t + p for p in ('6m', '12m', '18m', '24m'))
>>> data = 1, 2, 3, 4
>>> c = DateCurve(domain, data)
>>> c.domain
(BusinessDate(20220812), BusinessDate(20230212), BusinessDate(20230812), BusinessDate(20240212))
>>> c(t + '9m')

mapping (dict) of availiable day count functions additional to dcf.daycount

property domain

domain of curve \(t_1 \dots t_n\) as list of dates where curve values are given explicit

property origin

date of origin (date zero) as curve reference date for time calucations

day_count(start, end=None)[source]

day count function to calculate a year fraction of time period

  • start – first date of period

  • end – last date of period


(float) year fraction


deprecated method to cast to dcf.curves.curve.Curve object

integrate(start, stop)[source]

integrates curve and returns results as annualized rates

  • start – lower integration boundary

  • stop – upper integration boundary


(float) integral value$

If \(\gamma\) is this the curve. integrate returns

\[\int_a^b \gamma(t)\ dt\]
where \(a\) is start and \(b\) is stop.

if available integrate uses scipy.integrate.quad


calculates numericaly the first derivative


start – curve point to calcuate derivative at this point


(float) first derivative

If \(\gamma\) is this the curve derivative returns

where \(t\) is start but derived numericaly.

if available derivative uses scipy.misc.derivative

class dcf.curves.curve.ForwardCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, yield_curve=0.0)[source]

Bases: DateCurve

Forward price curve with yield extrapolation

curve of future asset prices i.e. asset forward prices

  • domain – dates of given asset prices \(t_1 \dots t_n\)

  • data – actual asset prices \(p_{t_1} \dots p_{t_n}\)

  • interpolation – interpolation method for interpolating given asset prices

  • origin – origin of curve

  • day_count – day count method resp. function \(\tau\) to calculate year fractions

  • yield_curve – yield \(y\) to extrapolate by continous compounding

    \[p_T = p_{t_n} \cdot \exp(y \cdot \tau(t_n, T))\]
    or yield curve function \(\gamma_c\) to extrapolate by
    \[p_T = p_{t_n} \cdot \gamma_c(T)/\gamma_c(t_n)\]
    or interest rate curve \(c\) extrapolate by
    \[p_T = p_{t_n} \cdot df_{c}^{-1}(t_n, T)\]


yield curve for extrapolation using discount factors


asset forward price at value_date

derived by interpolation on given forward prices and extrapolation by given discount_factor resp. yield curve


value_date – future date of asset price


asset forward price at value_date

class dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None)[source]

Bases: DateCurve

Interest rate curve and credit curve

  • domain – either curve points \(t_1 \dots t_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • data – either curve values \(y_1 \dots y_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • interpolation – (optional) interpolation scheme

  • origin – (optional) curve points origin \(t_0\)

  • day_count – (optional) day count convention function \(\tau(s, t)\)

  • forward_tenor – (optional) forward rate tenor period \(\tau^*\)

If data is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given by domain.

If domain is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given domain property of \(C\).

Further arguments interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor will replace the ones given by \(C\) if not given explictly.

cast(cast_type, **kwargs)[source]

deprecated method to cast a curve

property forward_tenor

tenor (time period) associated to the rates of the curve

property spread

spread curve to add spreads to curve

dcf.curves.curve.rate_table(curve, x_grid=None, y_grid=None)[source]

table of calculated rates

  • curve – function \(f\)

  • x_grid – vertical date axis \(x_0, \dots, x_m\)

  • y_grid – horizontal period axis \(y_1, \dots, y_n\) (implicitly added a non-period \(y_0=0\))


list(list(float)) matrix \(T=(t_{i,j})\) with \(t_{i,j}=f(x_i+y_j) \text{ if } x_i+y_j < x_{i+1}\).

>>> from tabulate import tabulate
>>> from dcf import Curve, rate_table
>>> curve = Curve([1, 4], [0, 1])
>>> table = rate_table(curve, x_grid=(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), y_grid=(.0, .25, .5, .75))
>>> print(tabulate(table, headers='firstrow', floatfmt='.4f'))
       0.0    0.25     0.5    0.75
--  ------  ------  ------  ------
 0  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
 1  0.0000  0.0833  0.1667  0.2500
 2  0.3333  0.4167  0.5000  0.5833
 3  0.6667  0.7500  0.8333  0.9167
 4  1.0000  1.0000  1.0000  1.0000
 5  1.0000  1.0000  1.0000  1.0000
>>> from businessdate import BusinessDate, BusinessPeriod
>>> from dcf import ZeroRateCurve
>>> term = '1m', '3m', '6m', '1y', '2y', '5y',
>>> rates = -0.008, -0.0057, -0.0053, -0.0036, -0.0010, 0.0014,
>>> today = BusinessDate(20211201)
>>> tenor = BusinessPeriod('1m')
>>> dates = [today + t for t in term]
>>> f = ZeroRateCurve(dates, rates, origin=today, forward_tenor=tenor)
>>> print(tabulate(f.table, headers='firstrow', floatfmt=".4f", tablefmt='latex'))
          &      0D &      1M &      2M &      3M &      6M &      1Y &     2Y \\
 20211201 & -0.0080 &         &         &         &         &         &        \\
 20220101 & -0.0080 & -0.0068 &         &         &         &         &        \\
 20220301 & -0.0057 & -0.0056 & -0.0054 &         &         &         &        \\
 20220601 & -0.0053 & -0.0050 & -0.0047 & -0.0044 &         &         &        \\
 20221201 & -0.0036 & -0.0034 & -0.0032 & -0.0030 & -0.0023 &         &        \\
 20231201 & -0.0010 & -0.0009 & -0.0009 & -0.0008 & -0.0006 & -0.0002 & 0.0006 \\
 20261201 &  0.0014 &  0.0014 &  0.0014 &  0.0014 &  0.0014 &  0.0014 & 0.0014 \\

Interest Rate Curves


Base class of interest rate curve classes


Interest rate curve storing and interpolating data as zero rates


Interest rate curve storing and interpolating data as discount factor


Interest rate curve storing and interpolating data as cash rate


Interest rate curve storing and interpolating data as short rate

Inheritance diagram of dcf.curves.interestratecurve
class dcf.curves.interestratecurve.InterestRateCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None)[source]

Bases: RateCurve

Base class of interest rate curve classes

All interest rate curves share the same four fundamental methodological methods

All subclasses differ only in data types for storage and interpolation.

  • domain – either curve points \(t_1 \dots t_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • data – either curve values \(y_1 \dots y_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • interpolation – (optional) interpolation scheme

  • origin – (optional) curve points origin \(t_0\)

  • day_count – (optional) day count convention function \(\tau(s, t)\)

  • forward_tenor – (optional) forward rate tenor period \(\tau^*\)

If data is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given by domain.

If domain is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given domain property of \(C\).

Further arguments interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor will replace the ones given by \(C\) if not given explictly.

get_discount_factor(start, stop=None)[source]

discounting factor for future cashflows

  • start – date \(t_0\) to discount to

  • stop – date \(t_1\) for discounting from (optional, if not given \(t_0\) will be origin and \(t_1\) by start)


discounting factor \(df(t_0, t_1)\)

Assuming a constant bank account interest rate \(r\) over time and interest rate compounding a bank account of \(B_0=1\) at time \(t_0\) will be some value \(B_1\) at time \(t_1\).

For continuous compounding \(B_1=B_0 * \exp(r\cdot (t_1-t_0))\), for more concepts of compounding see dcf.compounding.

Since \(B_1\) is equivalent to the value of \(B_0\) at time \(t_1\), \(B_0/B_1\) can be understood to as the price at time \(t_0\) of a bank account of \(1\) at \(t_1\).

In general, discount factor \(df(t_0, t_1)= B_0/B_1\) are used to give the price or present value \(v_0(CF)\) at time \(t_0\) of any cashflow \(CF\) at time \(t_1\) by

\[v_0(CF) = df(t_0, t_1) \cdot CF.\]

This concept relates to the zero bond yields dcf.curves.interestratecurve.InterestRateCurve.get_zero_rate().

get_zero_rate(start, stop=None)[source]

curve of zero rates, i.e. yields of zero cupon bonds

  • start – zero bond start date \(t_0\)

  • stop – zero bond end date \(t_1\)


zero bond rate \(z(t_0, t_1)\)

Assume a current price is \(P(t_0, t_1)\) at time \(t_0\) of a zero cupon bond \(P\) paying \(1\) at maturity \(t_1\) without any interest or cupons.

Such zero bond prices are used to give the price or present value \(v_0(CF)\) at time \(t_0\) of any cashflow \(CF\) at time \(t_1\) by

\[v_0(CF) = P(t_0, t_1) \cdot CF = \exp(-z(t_1-t_0) \cdot \tau(t_1-t_0)) \cdot CF\]

where \(\tau\) is the day count method to calculate the year fraction of the interest accrual period form \(t_i\) to \(t_{i+1}\) given by dcf.curves.curve.DateCurve.day_count().

Note, this concept relates to the discount factor \(df(t_0, t_1)\) of dcf.curves.interestratecurve.InterestRateCurve.get_discount_factor() by

\[df(t_0, t_1) = \exp(-z(t_1-t_0) \cdot \tau(t_1 - t_0)).\]

Note, this concept relates to short rates \(df(t_0, t_1)\) of dcf.curves.interestratecurve.InterestRateCurve.get_short_rate() by

\[z(t_0,t_1)(t_1-t_0) = \int_{t_0}^{t_1} r(t) dt.\]


constant interpolated short rate derived from zero rate


start (date) – point in time \(t\) of short rate


short rate \(r_t\) at given point in time

Calculation assumes a zero rate derived from a interpolated short rate, i.e.

Let \(r_t=r(t)\) be the short rate on given time grid \(t_0, t_1, \dots, t_n\) and let \(z(s, t)\) be the zero rate from \(s\) to \(t\) with \(s, t \in \{t_0, t_1, \dots, t_n\}\).


\[\int_s^t r(\tau) d\tau = \int_s^t c_s d\tau = \Big[c_s \tau \Big]_s^t = c_s(s-t)\]

and so

\[c_s = z(s, t).\]

See also dcf.curves.interestratecurve.InterestRateCurve.get_zero_rate().

get_cash_rate(start, stop=None, step=None)[source]

interbank cash lending rate

  • start – start date of cash lending

  • stop – end date of cash lending (optional; default start + step)

  • step – period length of cash lending (optional; by default step is taken from dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve.forward_tenor)


simple compounded interest (forward) rate \(f\)

Let start be \(t_0\). If step and stop are given as \(\tau\) and \(t_1\) then start + step = stop must meet such that \(t_0 + \tau = t_1\) in

\[f(t_0, t_1)=\frac{1}{\tau}\big(\frac{1}{df(t_0, t_1)}-1\big).\]

Due to the benchmark reform most classical cash rates as the LIBOR rates have been replaced by overnight rates, e.g. SOFR, SONIA etc. Derived from future prediictions of overnight rates (aka short term rates) long term rates with tenors of \(1m\), \(3m\), \(6m\) and \(12m\) are published, too.

For classical term rates see LIBOR and EURIBOR, for overnight rates see SOFR, ESTR, SONIA and SARON as well as TONAR.


swap annuity as the accrual period weighted sum of discount factors


date_list – list of period \(t_0, \dots t_n\)


swap annuity \(A(t_0, \dots, t_n)\)


\[A(t_0, \dots, t_n) = \sum_{i=1}^n df(0, t_i) \tau (t_i, t_{i+1})\]


class dcf.curves.interestratecurve.ZeroRateCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None)[source]

Bases: InterestRateCurve

Interest rate curve storing and interpolating data as zero rates


  • domain – either curve points \(t_1 \dots t_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • data – either curve values \(y_1 \dots y_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • interpolation – (optional) interpolation scheme

  • origin – (optional) curve points origin \(t_0\)

  • day_count – (optional) day count convention function \(\tau(s, t)\)

  • forward_tenor – (optional) forward rate tenor period \(\tau^*\)

If data is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given by domain.

If domain is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given domain property of \(C\).

Further arguments interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor will replace the ones given by \(C\) if not given explictly.

class dcf.curves.interestratecurve.DiscountFactorCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None)[source]

Bases: InterestRateCurve

Interest rate curve storing and interpolating data as discount factor


  • domain – either curve points \(t_1 \dots t_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • data – either curve values \(y_1 \dots y_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • interpolation – (optional) interpolation scheme

  • origin – (optional) curve points origin \(t_0\)

  • day_count – (optional) day count convention function \(\tau(s, t)\)

  • forward_tenor – (optional) forward rate tenor period \(\tau^*\)

If data is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given by domain.

If domain is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given domain property of \(C\).

Further arguments interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor will replace the ones given by \(C\) if not given explictly.

class dcf.curves.interestratecurve.CashRateCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None)[source]

Bases: InterestRateCurve

Interest rate curve storing and interpolating data as cash rate

\[f(t, t+\tau^*)=y_t\]

  • domain – either curve points \(t_1 \dots t_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • data – either curve values \(y_1 \dots y_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • interpolation – (optional) interpolation scheme

  • origin – (optional) curve points origin \(t_0\)

  • day_count – (optional) day count convention function \(\tau(s, t)\)

  • forward_tenor – (optional) forward rate tenor period \(\tau^*\)

If data is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given by domain.

If domain is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given domain property of \(C\).

Further arguments interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor will replace the ones given by \(C\) if not given explictly.

class dcf.curves.interestratecurve.ShortRateCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None)[source]

Bases: InterestRateCurve

Interest rate curve storing and interpolating data as short rate


  • domain – either curve points \(t_1 \dots t_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • data – either curve values \(y_1 \dots y_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • interpolation – (optional) interpolation scheme

  • origin – (optional) curve points origin \(t_0\)

  • day_count – (optional) day count convention function \(\tau(s, t)\)

  • forward_tenor – (optional) forward rate tenor period \(\tau^*\)

If data is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given by domain.

If domain is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given domain property of \(C\).

Further arguments interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor will replace the ones given by \(C\) if not given explictly.

Credit Curves


Base class of credit curve classes


Interest rate curve storing and interpolating data as discount factor


Credit curve storing and interpolating data as intensities


Credit curve storing and interpolating data as hazard rate


Credit curve storing and interpolating data as intensities


Credit curve storing and interpolating data as marginal default probability

Inheritance diagram of dcf.curves.creditcurve
class dcf.curves.creditcurve.CreditCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None)[source]

Bases: RateCurve

Base class of credit curve classes

All credit curves share the same three fundamental methodological methods

All subclasses differ only in data types for storage and interpolation.

  • domain – either curve points \(t_1 \dots t_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • data – either curve values \(y_1 \dots y_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • interpolation – (optional) interpolation scheme

  • origin – (optional) curve points origin \(t_0\)

  • day_count – (optional) day count convention function \(\tau(s, t)\)

  • forward_tenor – (optional) forward rate tenor period \(\tau^*\)

If data is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given by domain.

If domain is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given domain property of \(C\).

Further arguments interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor will replace the ones given by \(C\) if not given explictly.

get_survival_prob(start, stop=None)[source]

survival probability of credit curve

  • start – start point in time \(t_0\) of period

  • stop – end point \(t_1\) of period (optional, if not given \(t_0\) will be origin and \(t_1\) taken from start)


survival probability \(sv(t_0, t_1)\) for period \(t_0\) to \(t_1\)

Assume an uncertain event \(\chi\), e.g. occurrence of a credit default event such as a loan borrower failing to fulfill the obligation to pay back interest or redemption.

Let \(\iota_\chi\) be the point in time when the event \(\chi\) happens.

Then the survival probability \(sv(t_0, t_1)\) is the probability of not occurring \(\chi\) until \(t_1\) if \(\chi\) didn’t happen until \(t_0\), i.e.

\[sv(t_0, t_1) = 1 - P(t_0 < \iota_\chi \leq t_1)\]

get_flat_intensity(start, stop=None)[source]

intensity value of credit curve

  • start – start point in time \(t_0\) of intensity

  • stop – end point \(t_1\) of intensity (optional, if not given \(t_0\) will be origin and \(t_1\) taken from start)


intensity \(\lambda(t_0, t_1)\)

The intensity \(\lambda(t_0, t_1)\) relates to survival probabilities by

\[sv(t_0, t_1) = exp(-\lambda(t_0, t_1) \cdot \tau(t_0, t_1)).\]


hazard rate of credit curve


start – point in time \(t\) of hazard rate


hazard rate \(hz(t)\)

The hazard rate \(hz(t)\) relates to intensities by

\[\lambda(t_0, t_1) = \int_{t_0}^{t_1} hz(t)\ dt.\]

class dcf.curves.creditcurve.ProbabilityCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None)[source]

Bases: CreditCurve

base class of probability based credit curve classes

  • domain – either curve points \(t_1 \dots t_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • data – either curve values \(y_1 \dots y_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • interpolation – (optional) interpolation scheme

  • origin – (optional) curve points origin \(t_0\)

  • day_count – (optional) day count convention function \(\tau(s, t)\)

  • forward_tenor – (optional) forward rate tenor period \(\tau^*\)

If data is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given by domain.

If domain is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given domain property of \(C\).

Further arguments interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor will replace the ones given by \(C\) if not given explictly.

class dcf.curves.creditcurve.SurvivalProbabilityCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None)[source]

Bases: ProbabilityCurve

Interest rate curve storing and interpolating data as discount factor

\[sv(0, t)=y_t\]

  • domain – either curve points \(t_1 \dots t_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • data – either curve values \(y_1 \dots y_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • interpolation – (optional) interpolation scheme

  • origin – (optional) curve points origin \(t_0\)

  • day_count – (optional) day count convention function \(\tau(s, t)\)

  • forward_tenor – (optional) forward rate tenor period \(\tau^*\)

If data is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given by domain.

If domain is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given domain property of \(C\).

Further arguments interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor will replace the ones given by \(C\) if not given explictly.

class dcf.curves.creditcurve.DefaultProbabilityCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None)[source]

Bases: SurvivalProbabilityCurve

Credit curve storing and interpolating data as default probability

\[pd(0, t)=1-sv(0, t)=y_t\]

  • domain – either curve points \(t_1 \dots t_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • data – either curve values \(y_1 \dots y_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • interpolation – (optional) interpolation scheme

  • origin – (optional) curve points origin \(t_0\)

  • day_count – (optional) day count convention function \(\tau(s, t)\)

  • forward_tenor – (optional) forward rate tenor period \(\tau^*\)

If data is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given by domain.

If domain is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given domain property of \(C\).

Further arguments interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor will replace the ones given by \(C\) if not given explictly.

class dcf.curves.creditcurve.FlatIntensityCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None)[source]

Bases: CreditCurve

Credit curve storing and interpolating data as intensities


  • domain – either curve points \(t_1 \dots t_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • data – either curve values \(y_1 \dots y_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • interpolation – (optional) interpolation scheme

  • origin – (optional) curve points origin \(t_0\)

  • day_count – (optional) day count convention function \(\tau(s, t)\)

  • forward_tenor – (optional) forward rate tenor period \(\tau^*\)

If data is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given by domain.

If domain is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given domain property of \(C\).

Further arguments interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor will replace the ones given by \(C\) if not given explictly.

class dcf.curves.creditcurve.HazardRateCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None)[source]

Bases: CreditCurve

Credit curve storing and interpolating data as hazard rate


  • domain – either curve points \(t_1 \dots t_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • data – either curve values \(y_1 \dots y_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • interpolation – (optional) interpolation scheme

  • origin – (optional) curve points origin \(t_0\)

  • day_count – (optional) day count convention function \(\tau(s, t)\)

  • forward_tenor – (optional) forward rate tenor period \(\tau^*\)

If data is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given by domain.

If domain is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given domain property of \(C\).

Further arguments interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor will replace the ones given by \(C\) if not given explictly.

class dcf.curves.creditcurve.MarginalSurvivalProbabilityCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None)[source]

Bases: ProbabilityCurve

Credit curve storing and interpolating data as intensities

\[sv(t, t+\tau^*)=y_t\]

  • domain – either curve points \(t_1 \dots t_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • data – either curve values \(y_1 \dots y_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • interpolation – (optional) interpolation scheme

  • origin – (optional) curve points origin \(t_0\)

  • day_count – (optional) day count convention function \(\tau(s, t)\)

  • forward_tenor – (optional) forward rate tenor period \(\tau^*\)

If data is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given by domain.

If domain is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given domain property of \(C\).

Further arguments interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor will replace the ones given by \(C\) if not given explictly.

class dcf.curves.creditcurve.MarginalDefaultProbabilityCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None)[source]

Bases: MarginalSurvivalProbabilityCurve

Credit curve storing and interpolating data as marginal default probability

\[pd(t, t+\tau^*)=1-sv(t, t+\tau^*)=y_t\]

  • domain – either curve points \(t_1 \dots t_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • data – either curve values \(y_1 \dots y_n\) or a curve object \(C\)

  • interpolation – (optional) interpolation scheme

  • origin – (optional) curve points origin \(t_0\)

  • day_count – (optional) day count convention function \(\tau(s, t)\)

  • forward_tenor – (optional) forward rate tenor period \(\tau^*\)

If data is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given by domain.

If domain is a dcf.curves.curve.RateCurve instance \(C\), it is casted to this new class type with domain grid given domain property of \(C\).

Further arguments interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor will replace the ones given by \(C\) if not given explictly.

Fx Curve


fx rate curve for currency pair

Inheritance diagram of dcf.curves.fx.FxForwardCurve
class dcf.curves.fx.FxRate(value=0.0, origin=None)[source]

Bases: Price

price object for foreign currency exchange rates

  • value – price value

  • origin – price date

>>> from businessdate import BusinessDate
>>> from dcf import Price
>>> p=Price(100, BusinessDate(20201212))
>>> p.value
>>> float(p)
>>> p
Price(100.000000; origin=BusinessDate(20201212))
property origin

asset price date

property value

asset price value

class dcf.curves.fx.FxForwardCurve(domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, domestic_curve=None, foreign_curve=None)[source]

Bases: ForwardCurve

fx rate curve for currency pair


asset forward price at value_date

derived by interpolation on given forward prices and extrapolation by given discount_factor resp. yield curve


value_date – future date of asset price


asset forward price at value_date

Cashflow Objects

Build Functions

dcf.plans.same(num, amount=1.0)[source]

all same payment plan

  • num – number of payments \(n\)

  • amount – amount of each payment \(N\)


list(float) payment plan \(X_i\) for \(i=1 \dots n\)

Payment plan with

\[X_i = N \text{ for all } i=1 \dots n\]

dcf.plans.bullet(num, amount=1.0)[source]

bullet payment plan

  • num – number of payments \(n\)

  • amount – amount of last bullet payment \(N\)


list(float) payment plan \(X_i\) for \(i=1 \dots n\)

Payment plan with

\[X_i = N \text{ for } i=n \text{ else } 0\]

dcf.plans.amortize(num, amount=1.0)[source]

linear amortize payment plan

  • num – number of payments \(n\)

  • amount – amount of total sum of payment \(N\)


list(float) payment plan \(X_i\) for \(i=1 \dots n\)

Payment plan with

\[X_i = N/n \text{ for } i=1 \dots n\]

dcf.plans.annuity(num, amount=1.0, fixed_rate=0.01)[source]

fixed rate annuity payment plan

  • num – number of payments \(n\)

  • amount – amount of total sum of payment \(N\)

  • fixed_rate – amortization rate \(r\)


list(float) payment plan \(X_i\) for \(i=1 \dots n\)

Payment plan

\[X_i = \frac{r}{(1 + r)^{n-i}} \cdot N \text{ for } i=1 \dots n\]

dcf.plans.consumer(num, amount=1.0, fixed_rate=0.01)[source]

consumer loan annuity payment plan

  • num – number of payments \(n\)

  • amount – amount of payment total \(N\)

  • fixed_rate – amortization rate \(r\)


list(float) payment plan \(X_i\) for \(i=1 \dots n\)

Actutal payment plan total \(T = N (1 + n \cdot r)\) such that

\[X_i = T / n\]

dcf.plans.outstanding(plan, amount=1.0, sign=False)[source]

sums up plans to remaining oustanding anmount

  • plan – payment plan \(X_i\)

  • amount – inital amount \(N\)

  • sign\(\sigma\) sign of plan payments (optional, default: -1)


list(float) outstanding plan

Adds or substracts payment plan payments \(X_i\) from inital amount \(N\) such that

\[O_i = N + \sigma \cdot \sum_{k=1}^{i-1} X_i\]

Cashflow Objects

Inheritance diagram of dcf.cashflows.cashflow
class dcf.cashflows.cashflow.CashFlowList(payment_date_list=(), amount_list=(), origin=None)[source]

Bases: object

basic cashflow list object

  • domain – list of cashflow dates

  • data – list of cashflow amounts

  • origin – origin of object, i.e. start date of the cashflow list as a product

Basicly dcf.cashflows.cashflow.CashFlowList works like a read-only dictionary with payment dates as keys.

And the dcf.cashflows.cashflow.CashFlowList.domain property holds the payment date list.

>>> from dcf import CashFlowList
>>> cf_list = CashFlowList([0, 1], [-100., 100.])
>>> cf_list.domain
(0, 1)

In order to get cashflows

>>> cf_list[0]
>>> cf_list[cf_list.domain]
(-100.0, 100.0)

This works even for dates without cashflow

>>> cf_list[-1, 0 , 1, 2]
(0.0, -100.0, 100.0, 0.0)
property table

cashflow details as list of tuples

property domain

payment date list

property origin

cashflow list start date

property kwargs

returns constructor arguments as ordered dictionary (under construction)


dictionary of payoffs with pay_date keys

class dcf.cashflows.cashflow.CashFlowLegList(legs)[source]

Bases: CashFlowList


container class for CashFlowList


legs – list of dcf.cashflows.cashflow.CashFlowList

property legs

list of dcf.cashflows.cashflow.CashFlowList

class dcf.cashflows.cashflow.FixedCashFlowList(payment_date_list, amount_list=1.0, origin=None)[source]

Bases: CashFlowList

basic cashflow list object

  • payment_date_list – list of cashflow payment dates

  • amount_list – list of cashflow amounts

  • origin – origin of object, i.e. start date of the cashflow list as a product

class dcf.cashflows.cashflow.RateCashFlowList(payment_date_list, amount_list=1.0, origin=None, day_count=None, fixing_offset=None, pay_offset=None, fixed_rate=0.0, forward_curve=None)[source]

Bases: CashFlowList

list of cashflows by interest rate payments

list of interest rate cashflows

  • payment_date_list – pay dates, assuming that pay dates agree with end dates of interest accrued period

  • amount_list – notional amounts

  • origin – start date of first interest accrued period

  • day_count – day count convention

  • fixing_offset – time difference between interest rate fixing date and interest period payment date

  • pay_offset – time difference between interest period end date and interest payment date

  • fixed_rate – agreed fixed rate

  • forward_curve – interest rate curve for forward estimation

Let \(t_0\) be the list origin and \(t_i\) \(i=1, \dots n\) the payment_date_list with \(N_i\) \(i=1, \dots n\) the notional amount_list.

Moreover, let \(\tau\) be the day_count function, \(c\) the fixed_rate and \(f\) the forward_curve.

Then, the rate cashflow \(cf_i\) payed at time \(t_i\) will be with \(s_i = t_{i-1} - \delta\), \(e_i = t_i -\delta\) as well as \(d_i = s_i - \epsilon\) for pay_offset \(\delta\) and fixing_offset \(\epsilon\),

\[cf_i = N_i \cdot \tau(s_i,e_i) \cdot (c + f(d_i)).\]

Note, the pay_offset \(\delta\) is not applied in case of the first cashflow, then \(s_1=t_0\).


cashflow forward curve to derive float rates \(f\)

property fixed_rate

Contingent Cashflow Objects (Options)

Inheritance diagram of dcf.cashflows.contingent
class dcf.cashflows.contingent.ContingentCashFlowList(payment_date_list, payoff_list=None, origin=None, payoff_model=None)[source]

Bases: CashFlowList

list of contingent cashflows

generic cashflow list of expected contingent cashflows i.e. non-deterministc cashflows like option payoffs.

  • payment_date_list – pay dates, assuming that pay dates agree with end dates of interest accrued period

  • payoff_list – list of payoffs

  • origin – start date of first interest accrued period

  • payoff_model – payoff model to derive the expected payoff

Since expectation depends on probabilities an approbiate payoff_model \(m\) to estimate expectations has to be supplied as argument to the list and applied - again as argument - to payoffs.

Therefor any item \(f_i\) in payoff_list has to be either a int pr float or callable with optional argument of a payoff_model and will return the expected cashflow amount as float value depending on the state given by the payoff_model.

\[f_i(m)=E\big[f_i\mid m\big]\]

This non-sense use case demonstrates the pattern of evaluating payoffs. For more details who to use dcf.cashflows.contingent.ContingentCashFlowList see dcf.cashflows.contingent.OptionCashflowList, dcf.cashflows.contingent.OptionStrategyCashflowList or dcf.cashflows.contingent.ContingentRateCashFlowList.

>>> from dcf import ContingentCashFlowList
>>> p = lambda x: x*x
>>> c = ContingentCashFlowList([1,2], [p, p], payoff_model=4)
>>> c[c.domain]
[16, 16]
>>> c.payoff_model = 2
>>> c[c.domain]
[4, 4]
class dcf.cashflows.contingent.OptionCashflowList(payment_date_list, amount_list=1.0, strike_list=(), is_put_list=False, fixing_offset=None, pay_offset=None, origin=None, payoff_model=None)[source]

Bases: ContingentCashFlowList

list of option cashflows

list of European option payoffs

  • payment_date_list – list of cashflow payment dates \(t_k\)

  • amount_list – list of option notional amounts \(N_k\)

  • strike_list – list of option strike prices \(K_k\)

  • is_put_list – list of boolean flags indicating if options are put options (optional: default is False)

  • fixing_offset – offset \(\delta\) between underlying fixing date and cashflow end date

  • pay_offset – offset \(\epsilon\) between cashflow end date and payment date

  • origin – origin of object, i.e. start date of the cashflow list as a product

  • payoff_model – payoff model to derive the expected payoff

List of dcf.cashflows.payoffs.OptionCashFlowPayOff.

class dcf.cashflows.contingent.OptionStrategyCashflowList(payment_date_list, call_amount_list=1.0, call_strike_list=(), put_amount_list=1.0, put_strike_list=(), fixing_offset=None, pay_offset=None, origin=None, payoff_model=None)[source]

Bases: ContingentCashFlowList

list of option strategy cashflows

series of identical option strategies

  • payment_date_list – list of cashflow payment dates \(t_k\)

  • call_amount_list – list of call option notional amounts \(N_{i}\)

  • call_strike_list – list of call option strikes \(K_{i}\)

  • put_amount_list – list of put option notional amounts \(N_{j}\)

  • put_strike_list – list of put option strikes \(L_{j}\)

  • fixing_offset – offset \(\delta\) between underlying fixing date and cashflow end date

  • pay_offset – offset \(\epsilon\) between cashflow end date and payment date

  • origin – origin of object, i.e. start date of the cashflow list as a product

  • payoff_model – payoff model to derive the expected payoff

dcf.cashflows.contingent.OptionStrategyCashflowList object provides a list of dcf.cashflows.payoffs.OptionStrategyCashFlowPayOff \(X_k\) objects with payment date \(t_k\).

Adjustetd by offset \(X_k\) has expiry date \(T_k=t_k-\delta-\epsilon\) and for all \(k\) the same \(N_i\), \(K_i\), \(N_j\), \(L_j\) are used.

class dcf.cashflows.contingent.ContingentRateCashFlowList(payment_date_list, amount_list=1.0, origin=None, day_count=None, fixing_offset=None, pay_offset=None, fixed_rate=0.0, cap_strike=None, floor_strike=None, payoff_model=None)[source]

Bases: ContingentCashFlowList

list of cashflows by interest rate payments

list of contingend collared rate cashflows

  • payment_date_list – pay dates, assuming that pay dates agree with end dates of interest accrued period

  • amount_list – notional amounts

  • origin – start date of first interest accrued period

  • day_count – day count convention

  • fixed_rate – agreed fixed rate

  • forward_curve

  • fixing_offset – time difference between interest rate fixing date and interest period payment date

  • pay_offset – time difference between interest period end date and interest payment date

  • floor_strike – lower interest rate boundary \(K\)

  • cap_strike – upper interest rate boundary \(L\)

  • payoff_model – option valuation model to derive the expected cashflow of option payoffs

Each object consists of a list of dcf.cashflows.payoffs.ContingentRateCashFlowPayOff, i.e. of collared payoff functions

\[X_i(f(T_i)) = [\max(K, \min(f(T_i), L)) + c]\ \tau(s,e)\ N\]

with, according to a payment date \(p_i\), \(p_i-\epsilon=e_i\), \(e_i=s_{i+1}\) and \(s_i-\delta=T_i\).


model to derive the expected cashflow of an option payoff

property fixed_rate

Contingent Cashflow PayOffs

Inheritance diagram of dcf.cashflows.payoffs
class dcf.cashflows.payoffs.CashFlowPayOff[source]

Bases: object

Cash flow payoff base class

class dcf.cashflows.payoffs.FixedCashFlowPayOff(amount=1.0)[source]

Bases: CashFlowPayOff

fixed cashflow payoff


amount – notional amount \(N\)

A fixed cashflow payoff \(X\) is given directly by the notional amount \(N\)

Invoking \(X()\) or \(X(m)\) with a dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPayOffModel object \(m\) as argument returns the actual expected cashflow payoff amount of \(X\) which is again just the notional amount \(N\).

>>> from dcf import FixedCashFlowPayOff
>>> cf = FixedCashFlowPayOff(123.456)
>>> cf()
class dcf.cashflows.payoffs.RateCashFlowPayOff(start, end, amount=1.0, day_count=None, fixing_offset=None, fixed_rate=0.0)[source]

Bases: CashFlowPayOff

interest rate cashflow payoff

  • start – cashflow accrued period start date \(s\)

  • end – cashflow accrued period end date \(e\)

  • amount – notional amount \(N\)

  • day_count – function to calculate accrued period year fraction \(\tau\)

  • fixing_offset – time difference between interest rate fixing date and interest period payment date \(\delta\)

  • fixed_rate – agreed fixed rate \(c\)

A contigent interest rate cashflow payoff \(X\) is given for a float rate \(f\) at \(T=s-\delta\)

\[X(f(T)) = (f(T) + c)\ \tau(s,e)\ N\]

Invoking \(X(m)\) with a dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPayOffModel object \(m\) as argument returns the actual expected cashflow payoff amount of \(X\).

>>> from dcf import RateCashFlowPayOff, CashRateCurve
>>> cf = RateCashFlowPayOff(start=1.25, end=1.5, amount=1.0, fixed_rate=0.005)
>>> f = CashRateCurve(domain=[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], data=[-0.005, 0.00, 0.001], forward_tenor=0.25)
>>> cf()
>>> cf(f)

interest accrued period start date


interest accrued period end date


interest accrued period day count method for rate period calculation \(\tau\)


time difference between interest rate fixing date and interest period payment date


cashflow notional amount


agreed fixed rate \(c\)

class dcf.cashflows.payoffs.OptionCashFlowPayOff(expiry, amount=1.0, strike=None, is_put=False)[source]

Bases: CashFlowPayOff

European option payoff function

  • expiry – option exipry date \(T\)

  • amount – option notional amount \(N\)

  • strike – strike price \(K\)

  • is_put – bool True for put options and False for call options (optional with default False)

An European call option \(C_K(S(T))\) is the right to buy an agreed amount \(N\) of an asset with future price \(S(T)\) at a future point in time \(T\) (the option exipry date) for a pre-agreed strike price \(K\).

The call option payoff provides the expected profit from such transaction, i.e.

\[C_K(S(T)) = N \cdot E[ \max(S(T)-K,0) ]\]

Resp. a put option \(P_K(S(T))\) is the right to sell an asset at a pre-agreed strike price. Hence, the put option payoff provides the expected profit from such transaction, i.e.

\[P_K(S(T)) = N \cdot E[ \max(K-S(T),0) ]\]

As the asset price \(S(t)\) is unknown at time \(t < T\), the estimation of \(C_K(S(T))\) resp. \(P_K(S(T))\) requires assumptions on the as randomness understood unkown behavior of \(S\) until \(T\).

This is provided by payoff_model implementing dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPayOffModel and is invoked by calling an dcf.cashflows.payoffs.OptionCashFlowPayOff object.

First, setup a classical log-normal Black-Scholes model.

>>> from dcf.models import LogNormalOptionPayOffModel
>>> from math import exp
>>> f = lambda t: 100.0 * exp(t * 0.05)  # spot price 100 and yield of 5%
>>> v = lambda v: 0.1  # flat volatility of 10%
>>> m = LogNormalOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=0.0, forward_curve=f, volatility_curve=v)

Then, build a call option payoff.

>>> from dcf import OptionCashFlowPayOff
>>> c = OptionCashFlowPayOff(expiry=0.25, strike=110.0)
>>> # get expected option payoff
>>> c(m)

And a put option payoff.

>>> p = OptionCashFlowPayOff(expiry=0.25, strike=110.0, is_put=True)
>>> # get expected option payoff
>>> p(m)
class dcf.cashflows.payoffs.OptionStrategyCashFlowPayOff(expiry, call_amount_list=1.0, call_strike_list=(), put_amount_list=1.0, put_strike_list=())[source]

Bases: CashFlowPayOff

option strategy, i.e. series of call and put options with single expiry

  • expiry – option exiptry date \(T\)

  • call_amount_list – list of call option notional amounts \(N_i\)

  • call_strike_list – list of call option strikes \(K_i\)

  • put_amount_list – list of put option notional amounts \(N_j\)

  • put_strike_list – list of put option strikes \(L_j\)

The option strategy payoff \(X\) is the sum of call and put payoffs

\[X(S(T)) =\sum_{i=1}^m N_i \cdot C_{K_i}(S(T)) + \sum_{j=1}^n N_j \cdot P_{L_j}(S(T))\]

see more on options strategies

First, setup a classical log-normal Black-Scholes model.

>>> from dcf.models import LogNormalOptionPayOffModel
>>> from math import exp
>>> #
>>> f = lambda t: 100.0 * exp(t * 0.05)  # spot price 100 and yield of 5%
>>> v = lambda v: 0.1  # flat volatility of 10%
>>> m = LogNormalOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=0.0, forward_curve=f, volatility_curve=v)

Then, setup a butterlfy payoff and evaluate it.

>>> from dcf import OptionStrategyCashFlowPayOff
>>> call_amount_list = 1., -2., 1.
>>> call_strike_list = 100, 110, 120
>>> s = OptionStrategyCashFlowPayOff(expiry=1., call_amount_list=call_amount_list, call_strike_list=call_strike_list)
>>> s(m)
class dcf.cashflows.payoffs.ContingentRateCashFlowPayOff(start, end, amount=1.0, day_count=None, fixing_offset=None, fixed_rate=0.0, floor_strike=None, cap_strike=None)[source]

Bases: RateCashFlowPayOff

contigent but collared interest rate cashflow payoff

  • start – cashflow accrued period start date \(s\)

  • end – cashflow accrued period end date \(e\)

  • amount – notional amount \(N\)

  • day_count – function to calculate accrued period year fraction \(\tau\)

  • fixing_offset – time difference between interest rate fixing date and interest period payment date \(\delta\)

  • fixed_rate – agreed fixed rate \(c\)

  • floor_strike – lower interest rate boundary \(K\)

  • cap_strike – upper interest rate boundary \(L\)

A collared interest rate cashflow payoff \(X\) is given for a float rate \(f\) at \(T=s-\delta\)

\[X(f(T)) = [\max(K, \min(f(T), L)) + c]\ \tau(s,e)\ N\]

The foorlet (\(\max(K, \dots)\)) or resp. the caplet condition (\(\min(\dots, L)\)) will be ignored if \(K\) is or resp. \(L\) is None.

Invoking \(X(m)\) with a dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPayOffModel object \(m\) as argument returns the actual expected cashflow payoff amount of \(X\).

>>> from dcf import ContingentRateCashFlowPayOff, CashRateCurve
>>> from dcf.models import NormalOptionPayOffModel, IntrinsicOptionPayOffModel

evaluate just the fixed rate cashflow

>>> cf = ContingentRateCashFlowPayOff(start=1.25, end=1.5, amount=1.0, fixed_rate=0.005, floor_strike=0.002)
>>> cf()

evaluate the fixed rate and float forward rate cashflow

>>> f = CashRateCurve(domain=[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], data=[-0.005, 0.00, 0.001], forward_tenor=0.25)
>>> cf(f)

evaluate the fixed rate and float forward rate cashflow plus intrisic option payoff

>>> i = IntrinsicOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=0.0, forward_curve=f)
>>> cf(i)

evaluate the fixed rate and float forward rate cashflow plus Bachelier model payoff

>>> m = NormalOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=0.0, forward_curve=f, volatility_curve=(lambda *_: 0.005))
>>> cf(m)

floor strike rate


cap strike rate


Contingent Cashflow Models


intrisic option pricing formula


Bachelier option pricing formula


Black 76 option pricing formula


displaced Black 76 option pricing formula

class dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPricingFormula[source]

Bases: object

abstract base class for option pricing formulas

A dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPricingFormula \(f\) serves as a kind of interface template to enhance dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPayOffModel by a new model.

To do so, \(f\) should at least implement a method

  • __call__(time, strike, forward, volatility)

to provide the expected payoff of an Europen call option. Alternativly, it could implement the same signatur for a private

  • _call_price(time, strike, forward, volatility)

method. These and all follwing method are only related to call options since put options will be derivend by the use of put-call parity.

Moreover, the volatility argument should be understood as a general input of model parameters which ar in case of classical option pricing formulas like dcf.models.black76.LogNormalOptionPayOffModel the volatility.

To provide non-numerical derivatives implement

  • _call_delta(time, strike, forward, volatility)

for delta \(\Delta_f\), the first derivative along the underlying

  • _call_gamma(time, strike, forward, volatility)

for gamma \(\Gamma_f\), the second derivative along the underlying

  • _call_vega(time, strike, forward, volatility)

for vega \(\mathcal{V}_f\), the first derivative along the volatility parameters

  • _call_theta(time, strike, forward, volatility)

for theta \(\Theta_f\), the first derivative along the time parameter time

classmethod from_function(func, name=None)[source]

create new type (class) of an OptionPricingFormula


func – function serving as __call__ method as in dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPricingFormula


subclass of dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPricingFormula

class dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=None, forward_curve=None, volatility_curve=None, day_count=None, bump_greeks=None)[source]

Bases: OptionPricingFormula

base option payoff model to derive expected payoff cashflows

option payoff model

  • valuation_date – date of option valuation \(t\)

  • forward_curve – curve for deriving forward values

  • volatility_curve – parameter curve of option pricing formulas

  • day_count – day count function to calculate year fraction between dates, e.g. option expiry and valueation date

  • bump_greeksbool - if True Greeks, i.e. sensitivities/derivatives, are derived numericaly. If False analytics functions are used, if given. See also dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPricingFormula. (optional; default is False)

DELTA_SHIFT = 0.0001

finite difference to calculate numerical delta sensitivities

DELTA_SCALE = 0.0001

factor to express numerical delta sensitivities usually in a value of a basis point (bpv)

Let \(\delta\) be the DELTA_SHIFT and \(\epsilon\) be the DELTA_SCALE and \(f\) a forward \(F\) sensitive function such that

\[f' = \frac{df}{dF} \approx \Delta_f(F) = \frac{f(F+\delta) - f(x)}{\delta/\epsilon}.\]


finite difference to calculate numerical vega sensitivities


factor to express numerical vega sensitivities

Let \(\delta\) be the VEGA_SHIFT and \(\epsilon\) be the VEGA_SCALE and \(f\) a volatility \(\nu\) sensitive function such that

\[f'_\nu = \frac{df}{d\nu} \approx \mathcal{V}_f(\nu) = \frac{f(\nu+\delta) - f(\nu)}{\delta/\epsilon}.\]

THETA_SHIFT = 0.0027378507871321013

finite difference to calculate numerical theta sensitivities usually one day (1/365.25)

THETA_SCALE = 0.0027378507871321013

factor to express numerical theta sensitivities usually one day (1/365.25)

Let \(\delta\) be the THETA_SHIFT and \(\epsilon\) be the THETA_SCALE and \(f\) a time \(\tau(t,T)\) sensitive function with valuation date \(t\) and option maturity date \(T\) such that

\[\dot{f} = \frac{df}{dt} \approx \Theta_f(t) = \frac{f(\tau(t,T)+\delta) - f(\tau(t,T))}{\delta/\epsilon}.\]


date of option valuation \(t\)


curve for deriving forward values \(F(t)\)


parameter curve of option pricing formulas \(\nu(t)\)


day count function to calculate year fraction between dates \(\tau\)

details(date, strike=None)[source]

model parameter details

  • date – option expiry date (also fixing date)

  • strike – option strike value (optional; default None, i.e. at-the-money)



get_call_value(date, strike=None)[source]

value of a call option

  • date – expiry date \(T\)

  • strike – option strike price \(K\) of underlying \(F\)


\(C_K(F(T))=E[\max(F(T)-K, 0)]\)

get_put_value(date, strike=None)[source]

value of a put option

  • date – expiry date \(T\)

  • strike – option strike price \(K\) of underlying \(F\)


\(P_K(F(T))=E[\max(K-F(T), 0)]\)

Note \(P_K(F(T))\) is derived by put-call parity:

\[P_K(F(T)) = K - F(T) + C_K(F(T))\]

get_call_delta(date, strike=None)[source]

delta sensitivity of a call option

  • date – expiry date \(T\)

  • strike – option strike price \(K\) of underlying \(F\)


\(\Delta_{C_K(F)} = \frac{d}{d F} C_K(F)\)

\(\Delta_{C_K(F)}\) is the first derivative of \(C_K(F)\) in unterlying direction \(F\).

get_put_delta(date, strike=None)[source]

delta sensitivity of a put option

  • date – expiry date \(T\)

  • strike – option strike price \(K\) of underlying \(F\)


\(\Delta_{P_K(F)} = \frac{d}{d F} P_K(F)\)

\(\Delta_{P_K(F)}\) is the first derivative of \(P_K(F)\) in unterlying direction \(F\) and is derived by put-call parity, too:

\[\Gamma_{P_K(F)} = \Delta_{C_K(F)} - 1\]

Note, here \(1\) is actualy scaled by dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPayOffModel.DELTA_SCALE.

get_call_gamma(date, strike=None)[source]

gamma sensitivity of a call option

  • date – expiry date \(T\)

  • strike – option strike price \(K\) of underlying \(F\)


\(\Gamma_{C_K(F)} = \frac{d^2}{d F^2} C_K(F)\)

\(\Gamma_{C_K(F)}\) is the second derivative of \(C_K(F)\) in unterlying direction \(F\).

get_put_gamma(date, strike=None)[source]

gamma sensitivity of a put option

  • date – expiry date \(T\)

  • strike – option strike price \(K\) of underlying \(F\)


\(\Gamma_{P_K(F)} = \frac{d^2}{d F^2} P_K(F)\)

\(\Gamma_{P_K(F)}\) is the second derivative of \(P_K(F)\) in unterlying direction \(F\) and is derived by put-call parity, too:

\[\Gamma_{P_K(F)} = \Gamma_{C_K(F)}\]

get_call_vega(date, strike=None)[source]

vega sensitivity of a call option

  • date – expiry date \(T\)

  • strike – option strike price \(K\) of underlying \(F\)


\(\mathcal{V}_{C_K(F)} = \frac{d}{d v} C_K(F)\)

\(\mathcal{V}_{C_K(F)}\) is the first derivative of \(C_K(F)\) in volatility parameter direction \(v\).

get_put_vega(date, strike=None)[source]

vega sensitivity of a put option

  • date – expiry date \(T\)

  • strike – option strike price \(K\) of underlying \(F\)


\(\mathcal{V}_{P_K(F)} = \frac{d}{d v} P_K(F)\)

\(\mathcal{V}_{P_K(F)}\) is the first derivative of \(P_K(F)\) in volatility parameter direction \(v\) and is derived by put-call parity, too:

\[\mathcal{V}_{P_K(F)} = V{C_K(F)}\]

get_call_theta(date, strike=None)[source]

time sensitivity of a call option

  • date – expiry date \(T\)

  • strike – option strike price \(K\) of underlying \(F\)


\(\Theta_{C_K(F)} = \frac{d}{d t} C_K(F)\)

\(\Theta_{C_K(F)}\) is the first derivative of \(C_K(F)\) in time parameter direction, i.e. valuation date \(t\).

get_put_theta(date, strike=None)[source]

time sensitivity of a put option

  • date – expiry date \(T\)

  • strike – option strike price \(K\) of underlying \(F\)


\(\Theta_{P_K(F)} = \frac{d}{d t} P_K(F)\)

\(\Theta_{P_K(F)}\) is the first derivative of \(P_K(F)\) in time parameter direction, i.e. valuation date \(t\).

class dcf.models.optionpricing.BinaryOptionPayOffModel(pricing_formula, strike_shift=None, valuation_date=None, forward_curve=None, volatility_curve=None, day_count=None)[source]

Bases: OptionPayOffModel

biniary option payoff model (derived by finite differences)

  • pricing_formula – option pricing formula; eithter dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPricingFormula or dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPayOffModel

  • strike_shift – finite difference to calculate binary option payoff as a call spread (optional: default taken from dcf.models.optionpricing.BinaryOptionPayOffModel.STRIKE_SHIFT)

  • valuation_date – date of option valuation \(t\) (optional: default taken from pricing_formula)

  • forward_curve – curve for deriving forward values (optional: default taken from pricing_formula)

  • volatility_curve – parameter curve of option pricing formulas (optional: default taken from pricing_formula)

  • day_count – day count function to calculate year fraction between dates, e.g. option expiry and valueation date (optional: default taken from pricing_formula)

Let \(\delta\) be the STRIKE_SHIFT and \(f\) a option payoff with strike \(K\) such that the binary payoff is given as

\[f' = \frac{df}{dK} \approx \frac{f(K+\delta/2) - f(K-\delta/2)}{\delta}.\]


finite difference to calculate binary option payoff as a call spread

class dcf.models.intrinsic.IntrinsicOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=None, forward_curve=None, volatility_curve=None, day_count=None, bump_greeks=None)[source]

Bases: OptionPayOffModel

intrisic option pricing formula

implemented for call options (see more on intrisic option values)

Let \(F\) be the current forward value. Let \(K\) be the option strike value, \(\tau\) the time to matruity, i.e. the option expitry date.


  • call price:

    \[\max(F-K, 0)\]

  • call delta:

    \[0 \text{ if } F < K \text{ else } 1\]

  • call gamma:


  • call vega:


option payoff model

  • valuation_date – date of option valuation \(t\)

  • forward_curve – curve for deriving forward values

  • volatility_curve – parameter curve of option pricing formulas

  • day_count – day count function to calculate year fraction between dates, e.g. option expiry and valueation date

  • bump_greeksbool - if True Greeks, i.e. sensitivities/derivatives, are derived numericaly. If False analytics functions are used, if given. See also dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPricingFormula. (optional; default is False)

class dcf.models.intrinsic.BinaryIntrinsicOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=None, forward_curve=None, volatility_curve=None, day_count=None, bump_greeks=None)[source]

Bases: OptionPayOffModel

intrisic option pricing formula for binary call options (see also dcf.models.intrinsic.IntrinsicOptionPayOffModel)

Let \(F\) be the current forward value. Let \(K\) be the option strike value, \(\tau\) the time to matruity, i.e. the option expitry date.


  • call price:

    \[0 \text{ if } F < K \text{ else } 1\]

  • call delta:


  • call gamma:


  • call vega:


option payoff model

  • valuation_date – date of option valuation \(t\)

  • forward_curve – curve for deriving forward values

  • volatility_curve – parameter curve of option pricing formulas

  • day_count – day count function to calculate year fraction between dates, e.g. option expiry and valueation date

  • bump_greeksbool - if True Greeks, i.e. sensitivities/derivatives, are derived numericaly. If False analytics functions are used, if given. See also dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPricingFormula. (optional; default is False)

class dcf.models.bachelier.NormalOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=None, forward_curve=None, volatility_curve=None, day_count=None, bump_greeks=None)[source]

Bases: OptionPayOffModel

Bachelier option pricing formula

implemented for call options (see more on Bacheliers model)

Let \(f\) be a normaly distributed random variable with expectation \(F=E[f]\), the current forward value and \(\Phi\) the standard normal cummulative distribution function s.th. \(\phi=\Phi'\) is its density function.

Let \(K\) be the option strike value, \(\tau\) the time to matruity, i.e. the option expitry date, and \(\sigma\) the volatility parameter, i.e. the standard deviation of \(f\). Moreover, let

\[d = \frac{F-K}{\sigma \cdot \sqrt{\tau}}\]


  • call price:

    \[(F-K) \cdot \Phi(d) + \sigma \cdot \sqrt{\tau} \cdot \phi(d)\]

  • call delta:


  • call gamma:

    \[\frac{\phi(d)}{\sigma \cdot \sqrt{\tau}}\]

  • call vega:

    \[\sqrt{\tau} \cdot \phi(d)\]

option payoff model

  • valuation_date – date of option valuation \(t\)

  • forward_curve – curve for deriving forward values

  • volatility_curve – parameter curve of option pricing formulas

  • day_count – day count function to calculate year fraction between dates, e.g. option expiry and valueation date

  • bump_greeksbool - if True Greeks, i.e. sensitivities/derivatives, are derived numericaly. If False analytics functions are used, if given. See also dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPricingFormula. (optional; default is False)

class dcf.models.bachelier.BinaryNormalOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=None, forward_curve=None, volatility_curve=None, day_count=None, bump_greeks=None)[source]

Bases: OptionPayOffModel

Bachelier option pricing formula for binary calls (see also dcf.models.bachelier.NormalOptionPayOffModel)

Let \(f\) be a normaly distributed random variable with expectation \(F=E[f]\), the current forward value and \(\Phi\) the standard normal cummulative distribution function s.th. \(\phi=\Phi'\) is its density function.

Let \(K\) be the option strike value, \(\tau\) the time to matruity, i.e. the option expitry date, and \(\sigma\) the volatility parameter, i.e. the stanard deviation of \(f\). Moreover, let

\[d = \frac{F-K}{\sigma \cdot \sqrt{\tau}}\]


  • call price:


  • call delta:

    \[\frac{\phi(d)}{\sigma \cdot \sqrt{\tau}}\]

  • call gamma:

    \[d \cdot \frac{\phi(d)}{\sigma^2 \cdot \tau}\]

  • call vega:

    \[\sqrt{\tau} \cdot \phi(d)\]

option payoff model

  • valuation_date – date of option valuation \(t\)

  • forward_curve – curve for deriving forward values

  • volatility_curve – parameter curve of option pricing formulas

  • day_count – day count function to calculate year fraction between dates, e.g. option expiry and valueation date

  • bump_greeksbool - if True Greeks, i.e. sensitivities/derivatives, are derived numericaly. If False analytics functions are used, if given. See also dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPricingFormula. (optional; default is False)

class dcf.models.black76.LogNormalOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=None, forward_curve=None, volatility_curve=None, day_count=None, bump_greeks=None)[source]

Bases: OptionPayOffModel

Black 76 option pricing formula

implemented for call options (see more on Black 76 model which is closly related to the Black-Scholes model)

Let \(f\) be a log-normaly distributed random variable with expectation \(F=E[f]\), the current forward value and \(\Phi\) the standard normal cummulative distribution function s.th. \(\phi=\Phi'\) is its density function.

Let \(K\) be the option strike value, \(\tau\) the time to maturity, i.e. the option expiry date, and \(\sigma\) the volatility parameter, i.e. the standard deviation of \(\log(f)\). Moreover, let

\[d =\frac{\log(F/K) + (\sigma^2 \cdot \tau)/2}{\sigma \cdot \sqrt{\tau}}\]


  • call price:

    \[F \cdot \Phi(d) - K \cdot \Phi(d-\sigma \cdot \sqrt{\tau})\]

  • call delta:


  • call gamma:

    \[\frac{\phi(d)}{F \cdot \sigma \cdot \sqrt{\tau}}\]

  • call vega:

    \[F \cdot \sqrt{\tau} \cdot \phi(d)\]

option payoff model

  • valuation_date – date of option valuation \(t\)

  • forward_curve – curve for deriving forward values

  • volatility_curve – parameter curve of option pricing formulas

  • day_count – day count function to calculate year fraction between dates, e.g. option expiry and valueation date

  • bump_greeksbool - if True Greeks, i.e. sensitivities/derivatives, are derived numericaly. If False analytics functions are used, if given. See also dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPricingFormula. (optional; default is False)

class dcf.models.black76.BinaryLogNormalOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=None, forward_curve=None, volatility_curve=None, day_count=None, bump_greeks=None)[source]

Bases: OptionPayOffModel

Black 76 option pricing formula for binary calls (see also dcf.models.black76.LogNormalOptionPayOffModel)

Let \(f\) be a log-normaly distributed random variable with expectation \(F=E[f]\), the current forward value and \(\Phi\) the standard normal cummulative distribution function s.th. \(\phi=\Phi'\) is its density function.

Let \(K\) be the option strike value, \(\tau\) the time to maturity, i.e. the option expiry date, and \(\sigma\) the volatility parameter, i.e. the standard deviation of \(\log(f)\). Moreover, let

\[d =\frac{\log(F/K) + (\sigma^2 \cdot \tau)/2}{\sigma \cdot \sqrt{\tau}}\]


  • call price:


  • call delta:

    \[\frac{\phi(d-\sigma \cdot \sqrt{\tau})}{\sigma \cdot \sqrt{\tau}}\]

  • call gamma:

    \[d \cdot \frac{\phi(d)}{\sigma^2 \cdot \tau}\]

  • call vega:

    \[(d/\sigma - \sqrt{\tau}) \cdot \phi(d)\]

option payoff model

  • valuation_date – date of option valuation \(t\)

  • forward_curve – curve for deriving forward values

  • volatility_curve – parameter curve of option pricing formulas

  • day_count – day count function to calculate year fraction between dates, e.g. option expiry and valueation date

  • bump_greeksbool - if True Greeks, i.e. sensitivities/derivatives, are derived numericaly. If False analytics functions are used, if given. See also dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPricingFormula. (optional; default is False)

class dcf.models.displaced.DisplacedLogNormalOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=None, forward_curve=None, volatility_curve=None, day_count=None, bump_greeks=None, displacement=0.0)[source]

Bases: LogNormalOptionPayOffModel

displaced Black 76 option pricing formula

implemented for call options (see also dcf.models.black76.LogNormalOptionPayOffModel)

The displaced Black 76 is adopted to handel moderate negative underlying forward prices or rates \(f\), e.g. as see for interest rates in the past. To do so, rather than \(f\) a shifted or displaced version \(f + \alpha\) is assumed to be log-normaly distributed for some negative value of \(\alpha\).

Hence, let \(f + \alpha\) be a log-normaly distributed random variable with expectation \(F + \alpha=E[f + \alpha]\), where \(F=E[f]\) is the current forward value and \(\Phi\) the standard normal cummulative distribution function s.th. \(\phi=\Phi'\) is its density function.

Let \(K\) be the option strike value, \(\tau\) the time to maturity, i.e. the option expiry date, and \(\sigma\) the volatility parameter, i.e. the standard deviation of \(\log(f + \alpha)\). Moreover, let

\[d =\frac{\log((F+\alpha)/(K+\alpha)) + (\sigma^2 \cdot \tau)/2}{\sigma \cdot \sqrt{\tau}}\]


  • call price:

    \[(F+\alpha) \cdot \Phi(d) - (K+\alpha) \cdot \Phi(d-\sigma \cdot \sqrt{\tau})\]

  • call delta:


  • call gamma:

    \[\frac{\phi(d)}{(F+\alpha) \cdot \sigma \cdot \sqrt{\tau}}\]

  • call vega:

    \[(F+\alpha) \cdot \sqrt{\tau} \cdot \phi(d)\]

option payoff model

  • valuation_date – date of option valuation \(t\)

  • forward_curve – curve for deriving forward values

  • volatility_curve – parameter curve of option pricing formulas

  • day_count – day count function to calculate year fraction between dates, e.g. option expiry and valueation date

  • bump_greeksbool - if True Greeks, i.e. sensitivities/derivatives, are derived numericaly. If False analytics functions are used, if given. See also dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPricingFormula. (optional; default is False)

class dcf.models.displaced.BinaryDisplacedLogNormalOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=None, forward_curve=None, volatility_curve=None, day_count=None, bump_greeks=None, displacement=0.0)[source]

Bases: BinaryLogNormalOptionPayOffModel

displaced Black 76 option pricing formula for binary calls (see also dcf.models.displaced.DisplacedLogNormalOptionPayOffModel)

Uses dcf.models.black76.BinaryLogNormalOptionPayOffModel formulas with

  • displaced forward \(F+\alpha\)


  • displaced strike \(K+\alpha\)

option payoff model

  • valuation_date – date of option valuation \(t\)

  • forward_curve – curve for deriving forward values

  • volatility_curve – parameter curve of option pricing formulas

  • day_count – day count function to calculate year fraction between dates, e.g. option expiry and valueation date

  • bump_greeksbool - if True Greeks, i.e. sensitivities/derivatives, are derived numericaly. If False analytics functions are used, if given. See also dcf.models.optionpricing.OptionPricingFormula. (optional; default is False)

Valuation Routines

Present Value

dcf.pricer.get_present_value(cashflow_list, discount_curve, valuation_date=None)[source]

calculates the present value by discounting cashflows

  • cashflow_list – list of cashflows

  • discount_curve – discount factors are obtained from this curve

  • valuation_date – date to discount to (optional; default: discount_curve.origin)


float - as the sum of all discounted future cashflows

Let \(cf_1 \dots cf_n\) be the list of cashflows with payment dates \(t_1, \dots, t_n\).

Moreover, let \(t\) be the valuation date and \(T=\{t_i \mid t \leq t_i \}\).

Then the present value is given as

\[v(t) = \sum_{t_i \in T} df(t, t_i) \cdot cf_i\]

with \(df(t, t_i)\), the discount factor discounting form \(t_i\) to \(t\).

Note, get_present_value includes cashflows at valuation date. Therefor it represents a start-of-day valuation than a end-of-day valuation.

>>> from dcf import CashFlowList, ZeroRateCurve, get_present_value
>>> cfs = CashFlowList([0, 1, 2, 3],[100, 100, 100, 100])
>>> curve = ZeroRateCurve([0], [0.05])
>>> valuation_date = 0
>>> sod = get_present_value(cfs, curve, valuation_date)
>>> sod
>>> eod = sod - cfs[valuation_date]
>>> eod

Yield To Maturity

dcf.pricer.get_yield_to_maturity(cashflow_list, valuation_date=None, present_value=0.0, precision=1e-07, bounds=(- 0.1, 0.2), **kwargs)[source]

yield-to-maturity or effective interest rate

  • cashflow_list – list of cashflows

  • valuation_date – date to discount to (optional; default: cashflow_list.origin)

  • present_value – price to meet by discounting (optional; default: 0.0)

  • precision – max distance of present value to par (optional: default is 1e-7)

  • bounds – tuple of lower and upper bound of yield to maturity (optional: default is -0.1 and .2)

  • kwargs – additional keyword used for constructing dcf.curves.interestratecurve.ZeroRateCurve


float - as flat interest rate to discount all future cashflows in order to meet given present_value

Let \(cf_1 \dots cf_n\) be the list of cashflows with payment dates \(t_1, \dots, t_n\).

Moreover, let \(t\) be the valuation date and \(T=\{t_i \mid t \leq t_i \}\).

Then the yield-to-maturity is the interest rate \(y\) such that the present_value \(\hat{v}\) is given as

\[\hat{v} = \sum_{t_i \in T} df(t, t_i) \cdot cf_i\]

with \(df(t, t_i) = \exp(-y \cdot (t_i-t))\), the discount factor discounting form \(t_i\) to \(t\).


yield-to-matrurity of 5y fixed coupon bond

>>> from dcf import RateCashFlowList, FixedCashFlowList, CashFlowLegList
>>> from dcf import get_present_value, get_yield_to_maturity
>>> from dcf import ZeroRateCurve
>>> n, df = 1e6, ZeroRateCurve([0], [0.015])
>>> coupon_leg = RateCashFlowList([1,2,3,4,5], amount_list=n, origin=0, fixed_rate=0.001)
>>> redemption_leg = FixedCashFlowList([5], amount_list=n)
>>> bond = CashFlowLegList((redemption_leg, coupon_leg))

bond with cashflow tables

>>> print(tabulate(coupon_leg.table, headers='firstrow'))
  cashflow    pay date    notional    start date    end date    year fraction    fixed rate
----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------
      1000           1       1e+06             0           1                1         0.001
      1000           2       1e+06             1           2                1         0.001
      1000           3       1e+06             2           3                1         0.001
      1000           4       1e+06             3           4                1         0.001
      1000           5       1e+06             4           5                1         0.001
>>> print(tabulate(redemption_leg.table, headers='firstrow'))
  cashflow    pay date
----------  ----------
     1e+06           5

get yield-to-maturity at par (gives coupon rate)

>>> ytm = get_yield_to_maturity(bond, valuation_date=0, present_value=n)
>>> round(ytm, 6)

get current yield-to-maturity as given by 1.5% risk free rate (gives risk free rate)

>>> pv = get_present_value(bond, df, valuation_date=0)
>>> pv
>>> ytm = get_yield_to_maturity(bond, valuation_date=0, present_value=pv)
>>> round(ytm, 6)

Fair Rate

dcf.pricer.get_fair_rate(cashflow_list, discount_curve, valuation_date=None, present_value=0.0, precision=1e-07, bounds=(- 0.1, 0.2))[source]

coupon rate to meet given value

  • cashflow_list – list of cashflows

  • discount_curve – discount factors are obtained from this curve

  • valuation_date – date to discount to

  • present_value – price to meet by discounting

  • precision – max distance of present value to par (optional: default is 1e-7)

  • bounds – tuple of lower and upper bound of fair rate (optional: default is -0.1 and .2)


float - the fair coupon rate as fixed_rate of a dcf.cashflows.cashflow.RateCashFlowList

Let \(cf_i(c) = N_i \cdot \tau(s_i,e_i) \cdot (c + f(d_i))\) be the \(i\)-th cashflow in the cashflow_list.

Here, the fair rate is the fixed_rate \(c=\hat{c}\) such that the present_value \(\hat{v}\) is given as

\[\hat{v} = \sum_{t_i \in T} df(t, t_i) \cdot cf_i(\hat{c})\]

with \(df(t, t_i)\), the discount factor discounting form \(t_i\) to \(t\).

Note, get_fair_rate requires the cashflow_list to have an attribute fixed_rate which is perturbed to find the solution for \(\hat{c}\).


>>> from dcf import RateCashFlowList, FixedCashFlowList, CashFlowLegList
>>> from dcf import get_present_value, get_fair_rate
>>> from dcf import ZeroRateCurve

setup 5y coupon bond

>>> n, df = 1e6, ZeroRateCurve([0], [0.015])
>>> coupon_leg = RateCashFlowList([1,2,3,4,5], amount_list=n, origin=0, fixed_rate=0.001)
>>> redemption_leg = FixedCashFlowList([5], amount_list=n)
>>> bond = CashFlowLegList((redemption_leg, coupon_leg))

find fair rate to give par bond

>>> pv = get_present_value(redemption_leg, df)
>>> fair_rate = get_fair_rate(coupon_leg, df, present_value=n-pv)
>>> fair_rate

check it’s a par bond (pv=notional)

>>> coupon_leg.fixed_rate = fair_rate
>>> pv = get_present_value(bond, df)
>>> round(pv, 6)

Interest Accrued

dcf.pricer.get_interest_accrued(cashflow_list, valuation_date)[source]

calculates interest accrued for rate cashflows

  • cashflow_list – requires a day_count property

  • valuation_date – calculation date


float - proportion of interest in current interest period

Let \(t\) be the valuation date and \(s, e\) start resp. end date of current rate period, i.e. \(s \leq t < e\).

Let \(\tau\) be the day count function to calculate year fractions.

Finally, let \(cf\) be the next interest rate cashflow.

The accrued interest until \(t\) is given as

\[cf_{accrued} = cf \cdot \frac{\tau(s, t)}{\tau(s, e)}.\]

Note, this function takes even expected payoffs of options incl. caplets and floorlets into account which probably should be excluded.


>>> from dcf import RateCashFlowList, FixedCashFlowList, CashFlowLegList
>>> from dcf import get_interest_accrued

setup 5y coupon bond

>>> n = 1e6
>>> coupon_leg = RateCashFlowList([1,2,3,4,5], amount_list=n, origin=0, fixed_rate=0.001)
>>> redemption_leg = FixedCashFlowList([5], amount_list=n)
>>> bond = CashFlowLegList((redemption_leg, coupon_leg))

bond with cashflow tables

>>> print(tabulate(coupon_leg.table, headers='firstrow'))
  cashflow    pay date    notional    start date    end date    year fraction    fixed rate
----------  ----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------
      1000           1       1e+06             0           1                1         0.001
      1000           2       1e+06             1           2                1         0.001
      1000           3       1e+06             2           3                1         0.001
      1000           4       1e+06             3           4                1         0.001
      1000           5       1e+06             4           5                1         0.001
>>> print(tabulate(redemption_leg.table, headers='firstrow'))
  cashflow    pay date
----------  ----------
     1e+06           5

calculate accrued interest

>>> get_interest_accrued(bond, valuation_date=3.25)
>>> get_interest_accrued(bond, valuation_date=3.5)
>>> # doesn't take fixed cashflows into account
>>> get_interest_accrued(bond, valuation_date=4.5)

Basis Point Value

dcf.pricer.get_basis_point_value(cashflow_list, discount_curve, valuation_date=None, delta_curve=None, shift=0.0001)[source]

basis point value (bpv), i.e. value change by one interest rate shifted one basis point

  • cashflow_list – list of cashflows

  • discount_curve – discount factors are obtained from this curve

  • valuation_date – date to discount to

  • delta_curve – curve (or list of curves) which will be shifted

  • shift – shift size to derive bpv


float - basis point value (bpv)

Let \(v(t, r)\) be the present value of the given cashflow_list depending on interest rate curve \(r\) which can be used as forward curve to estimate float rates or as zero rate curve to derive discount factors (or both).

Then, with shift_size \(s\), the bpv is given as

\[\Delta(t) = 0.0001 \cdot \frac{v(t, r + s) - v(t, r)}{s}\]


>>> from dcf import RateCashFlowList, FixedCashFlowList, CashFlowLegList
>>> from dcf import get_present_value, get_basis_point_value
>>> from dcf import ZeroRateCurve

setup 5y coupon bond

>>> n, df = 1e6, ZeroRateCurve([0], [0.015])
>>> coupon_leg = RateCashFlowList([1,2,3,4,5], amount_list=n, origin=0, fixed_rate=0.001)
>>> redemption_leg = FixedCashFlowList([5], amount_list=n)
>>> bond = CashFlowLegList((redemption_leg, coupon_leg))

calculate bpv as bond delta

>>> bpv = get_basis_point_value(bond, df)
>>> bpv

check by direct valuation

>>> pv = get_present_value(bond, df)
>>> df[0] += 0.0001
>>> shifted = get_present_value(bond, df)
>>> shifted-pv

Bucketed Delta

dcf.pricer.get_bucketed_delta(cashflow_list, discount_curve, valuation_date=None, delta_curve=None, delta_grid=None, shift=0.0001)[source]

list of bpv delta for partly shifted interest rate curve

  • cashflow_list – list of cashflows

  • discount_curve – discount factors are obtained from this curve

  • valuation_date – date to discount to (optional; default is discount_curve.origin)

  • delta_curve – curve (or list of curves) which will be shifted (optional; default is discount_curve)

  • delta_grid – grid dates to build partly shifts (optional; default is delta_curve.domain)

  • shift – shift size to derive bpv (optional: default is a basis point i.e. 0.0001)


list(float) - basis point value for each delta_grid point

Let \(v(t, r)\) be the present value of the given cashflow_list depending on interest rate curve \(r\) which can be used as forward curve to estimate float rates or as zero rate curve to derive discount factors (or both).

Then, with shift_size \(s\) and shifting \(s_j\),

\[\Delta_j(t) = 0.0001 \cdot \frac{v(t, r + s_j) - v(t, r)}{s}\]

and the full bucketed delta vector is \(\big(\Delta_1(t), \Delta_2(t), \dots, \Delta_{m-1}(t) \Delta_m(t)\big)\).

Overall the shifting \(s_1, \dots s_n\) is a partition of the unity, i.e. \(\sum_{j=1}^m s_j = s\).

Each \(s_j\) for \(i=2, \dots, m-1\) is a function of the form of an triangle, i.e. for a delta_grid \(t_1, \dots, t_m\)

\[ s_j(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} 0 & \text{ for } t < t_{j-1} \\ s \cdot \frac{t-t_{j-1}}{t_j-t_{j-1}} & \text{ for } t_{j-1} \leq t < t_j \\ s \cdot \frac{t_{j+1}-t}{t_{j+1}-t_j} & \text{ for } t_j \leq t < t_{j+1} \\ 0 & \text{ for } t_{j+1} \leq t \\ \end{array} \right. \]


\[ s_1(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} s & \text{ for } t < t_1 \\ s \cdot \frac{t_2-t}{t_2-t_1} & \text{ for } t_1 \leq t < t_2 \\ 0 & \text{ for } t_2 \leq t \\ \end{array} \right. \]


\[ s_m(t) = \left\{ \begin{array}{cl} 0 & \text{ for } t < t_{m-1} \\ s \cdot \frac{t-t_{m-1}}{t_m-t_{m-1}} & \text{ for } t_{m-1} \leq t < t_m \\ s & \text{ for } t_m \leq t \\ \end{array} \right. \]


same example as dcf.pricer.get_basis_point_value() but with buckets

>>> from dcf import RateCashFlowList, FixedCashFlowList, CashFlowLegList
>>> from dcf import get_present_value, get_bucketed_delta, get_basis_point_value
>>> from dcf import ZeroRateCurve

setup 5y coupon bond

>>> n, df = 1e6, ZeroRateCurve([0,1,2,3,4,5], [0.01, 0.011, 0.014, 0.012, 0.01, 0.013])
>>> coupon_leg = RateCashFlowList([1,2,3,4,5], amount_list=n, origin=0, fixed_rate=0.001)
>>> redemption_leg = FixedCashFlowList([5], amount_list=n)
>>> bond = CashFlowLegList((redemption_leg, coupon_leg))

calculate bpv as bond delta

>>> bpv = get_bucketed_delta(bond, df)
>>> bpv
(0.0, -0.09890108276158571, -0.19445822690613568, -0.2893486835528165, -0.38423892273567617, -468.88503439340275)

check by summing up (should give flat bpv)

>>> sum(bpv)
>>> get_basis_point_value(bond, df)

Curve Bootstrapping

dcf.pricer.get_curve_fit(cashflow_list, discount_curve, valuation_date=None, fitting_curve=None, fitting_grid=None, present_value=0.0, precision=1e-07, bounds=(- 0.1, 0.2))[source]

fit curve to cashflow_list prices (bootstrapping)

  • cashflow_list – list (!) of cashflow_list. products to match prices

  • discount_curve – discount factors are obtained from this curve

  • valuation_date – date to discount to

  • fitting_curve – curve to fit to match prices (optional; default is discount_curve)

  • fitting_grid – domain to fit prices to (optional; default fitting_curve.domain)

  • present_value – list (!) of prices of products in cashflow_list, each one to be met by discounting (optional; default is list of 0.0)

  • precision – max distance of present value to par (optional; default is 1e-7)

  • bounds – tuple of lower and upper bound of fair rate (optional; default is -0.1 and .2)


tuple(float) fitting_data as curve values to build curve together with curve points from fitting_grid

Bootstrapping is a sequential approach to set curve values \(y_i\) in order to match present values of cashflow products \(X_j\) to given prices \(p_j\).

This is done sequentially, i.e. for a consecutive sequence of curve points \(t_i\), \(i=1 \dots n\).

Starting at \(i=1\) at curve point \(t_1\) the value \(y_1\) is varied by simple bracketing such that the present value

\[v_0(X_j) = p_j \text{ for $X_j$ maturing before or at $t_j$.}\]

Here, the fitting_curve can be the discount curve but also any forward curve or even a volatility curve.

Once \(y_1\) is found the next dated \(t_2\) in fitting_grid is handled. This is kept going on until all prices \(p_j\) and all points \(t_i\) match.

Note, in order to conclude successfully, the valuations \(v_0(X_j)\) must be sensitive to changes of curve value \(y_i\), i.e. at least one \(j\) must hold

\[\frac{d}{dy_i}v_0(X_j) \neq 0\]
with in the bracketing bounds of \(y_i\) as set by bounds.


Yield curve calibration.

First, setup dates and schedule

>>> from businessdate import BusinessDate, BusinessSchedule
>>> today = BusinessDate(20161231)
>>> schedule = BusinessSchedule(today + '1y', today + '5y', '1y')

of products

>>> from dcf import RateCashFlowList, get_present_value
>>> cashflow_list = [RateCashFlowList([s for s in schedule if s <= d], 1e6, origin=today, fixed_rate=0.01) for d in schedule]

and prices to match to.

>>> from dcf import ZeroRateCurve
>>> rates = [0.01, 0.009, 0.012, 0.014, 0.011]
>>> curve = ZeroRateCurve(schedule, rates)
>>> present_value = [get_present_value(cfs, curve, today) for cfs in cashflow_list]

Then fit a plain curve

>>> from dcf import get_curve_fit
>>> target = ZeroRateCurve(schedule, [0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 0.01])
>>> data = get_curve_fit(cashflow_list, target, today, fitting_curve=target, present_value=present_value)
>>> [round(d, 6) for d in data]
[0.01, 0.009, 0.012, 0.014, 0.011]


Option implied volatility calibration.

First, setup dates and schedule

>>> from businessdate import BusinessDate, BusinessSchedule
>>> today = BusinessDate(20161231)
>>> expiry = today + '3m'


>>> from dcf import ZeroRateCurve, ForwardCurve, TerminalVolatilityCurve
>>> c = ZeroRateCurve([today], [0.05])   # risk free rate of 5%
>>> f = ForwardCurve([today], [100.0], yield_curve=c)  # spot price 100 and yield of 5%
>>> v = TerminalVolatilityCurve([today], [0.1])  # flat volatility of 10%

and model with parameters

>>> from dcf.models import LogNormalOptionPayOffModel
>>> m = LogNormalOptionPayOffModel(valuation_date=today, forward_curve=f, volatility_curve=v)

of call option products

>>> from dcf import OptionCashflowList, get_present_value
>>> cashflow_list = OptionCashflowList([expiry], strike_list=110., origin=today, payoff_model=m)
>>> cashflow_list[expiry]
>>> get_present_value(cashflow_list, curve, today)

and fit volatility by

>>> from dcf import get_curve_fit
>>> pv = 0.25
>>> data = get_curve_fit([cashflow_list], curve, today, fitting_curve=v, fitting_grid=[expiry], present_value=[pv])
>>> data

check result

>>> v[expiry] = data[0]
>>> pv = get_present_value(cashflow_list, curve, today)
>>> round(pv, 6)



class dcf.interpolation.base_interpolation(x_list=[], y_list=[])[source]

Bases: object

Basic class to interpolate given data.

interpolation class

  • x_list – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • y_list – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

classmethod from_dict(xy_dict)[source]

create an interpolation instance object from dict


xy_dict – dictionary with sorted keys serving as x_list and values as y_list


interpolation object

class dcf.interpolation.flat(y=0.0)[source]

Bases: base_interpolation

flat or constant interpolation


y – constant return value \(\hat{y}\)

A dcf.interpolation.flat object is a function \(f\) returning a constant value \(\hat{y}\).

\[f(x)=\hat{y}\text{ const.}\]
for all \(x\).

>>> from dcf.interpolation import flat
>>> c = flat(1.1)
>>> c(0)
>>> c(2.1)
class dcf.interpolation.default_value_interpolation(x_list=[], y_list=[], default_value=None)[source]

Bases: base_interpolation

default value interpolation

  • x_list – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • y_list – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

  • default_value – default value \(d\)

A dcf.interpolation.default_value_interpolation object is a function \(f\) returning at \(x\) the value \(y_i\) with \(i\) to be the first matching index such that \(x=x_i\)

\[f(x)=y_i\text{ for } x=x_i\]
and \(d\) if no matching \(x_i\) is found.

>>> from dcf.interpolation import default_value_interpolation
>>> c = default_value_interpolation([1,2,3,1], [1,2,3,4], default_value=42)
>>> c(1)
>>> c(2)
>>> c(4)
class dcf.interpolation.no(x_list=[], y_list=[])[source]

Bases: default_value_interpolation

no interpolation at all

  • x_list – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • y_list – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

A dcf.interpolation.no object is a function \(f\) returning at \(x\) the value \(y_i\) with \(i\) to be the first matching index such that \(x=x_i\)

\[f(x)=y_i\text{ for } x=x_i \text{ else None}\]

>>> from dcf.interpolation import no
>>> c = no([1,2,3,1], [1,2,3,4])
>>> c(1)
>>> c(2)
>>> c(4)
class dcf.interpolation.zero(x_list=[], y_list=[])[source]

Bases: default_value_interpolation

interpolation by filling with zeros between points

  • x_list – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • y_list – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

A dcf.interpolation.zero object is a function \(f\) returning at \(x\) the value \(y_i\) if \(x=x_i\) else zero. with \(i\) to be the first matching index such that

\[f(x)=y_i\text{ for } x=x_i \text{ else } 0\]

>>> from dcf.interpolation import zero
>>> c = zero([1,2,3,1], [1,2,3,4])
>>> c(1)
>>> c(1.1)
>>> c(2)
>>> c(4)
class dcf.interpolation.left(x_list=[], y_list=[])[source]

Bases: base_interpolation

left interpolation

  • x_list – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • y_list – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

A dcf.interpolation.left object is a function \(f\) returning at \(x\) the last given value \(y_i\) reading from left to right, i.e. with \(i\) to be the matching index such that

\[f(x)=y_i\text{ for } x_i \leq x < x_{i+1}\]
or \(y_1\) if \(x<x_1\).

>>> from dcf.interpolation import left
>>> c = left([1,3], [1,2])
>>> c(0)
>>> c(1)
>>> c(2)
>>> c(4)
class dcf.interpolation.constant(x_list=[], y_list=[])[source]

Bases: left

constant interpolation

  • x_list – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • y_list – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

Same as dcf.interpolation.left.

class dcf.interpolation.right(x_list=[], y_list=[])[source]

Bases: base_interpolation

right interpolation

  • x_list – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • y_list – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

A dcf.interpolation.right object is a function \(f\) returning at \(x\) the last given value \(y_i\) reading from right to left, i.e. with \(i\) to be the matching index such that

\[f(x)=y_i\text{ for } x_i < x \leq x_{i+1}\]
or \(y_n\) if \(x_n < x\).

>>> from dcf.interpolation import right
>>> c = right([1,3], [1,2])
>>> c(0)
>>> c(1)
>>> c(2)
>>> c(4)
class dcf.interpolation.nearest(x_list=[], y_list=[])[source]

Bases: base_interpolation

nearest interpolation

  • x_list – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • y_list – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

A dcf.interpolation.nearest object is a function \(f\) returning at \(x\) the given value \(y_i\) of the nearest \(x_i\) from both left and right, i.e. with \(i\) to be the matching index such that

\[f(x)=y_i \text{ for } \mid x_i -x \mid = \min_j \mid x_j -x \mid\]

>>> from dcf.interpolation import nearest
>>> c = nearest([1,2,3], [1,2,3])
>>> c(0)
>>> c(1)
>>> c(1.5)
>>> c(1.51)
>>> c(2)
>>> c(4)
class dcf.interpolation.linear(x_list=[], y_list=[])[source]

Bases: base_interpolation

linear interpolation

  • x_list – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • y_list – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

A dcf.interpolation.linear object is a function \(f\) returning at \(x\) the linear interpolated value of \(y_i\) and \(y_{i+1}\) when \(x_i \leq x < x_{i+1}\), i.e.

\[f(x)=(y_{i+1}-y_i) \cdot \frac{x-x_i}{x_{i+1}-x_i}\]

>>> from dcf.interpolation import linear
>>> c = linear([1,2,3], [2,3,4])
>>> c(0)
>>> c(1)
>>> c(1.5)
>>> c(1.51)
>>> c(2)
>>> c(4)
class dcf.interpolation.loglinear(x_list=[], y_list=[])[source]

Bases: linear

log-linear interpolation

  • x_list – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • y_list – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

A dcf.interpolation.loglinear object is a function \(f\) returning at \(x\) the value \(\exp(y)\) of the linear interpolated value \(y\) of \(\log(y_i)\) and \(\log(y_{i+1})\) when \(x_i \leq x < x_{i+1}\), i.e.

\[f(x)=\exp\Big((\log(y_{i+1})-\log(y_i)) \cdot \frac{x-x_i}{x_{i+1}-x_i}\Big)\]

>>> from math import log, exp
>>> from dcf.interpolation import loglinear
>>> c = loglinear([1,2,3], [exp(2),exp(3),exp(4)])
>>> log(c(0))
>>> log(c(1))
>>> log(c(1.5))
>>> log(c(1.51))
>>> log(c(2))
>>> log(c(4))


loglinear requires strictly positive values \(0<y_1 \dots y_n\).

class dcf.interpolation.loglinearrate(x_list=[], y_list=[])[source]

Bases: linear

log-linear interpolation by annual rates

  • x_list – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • y_list – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

A dcf.interpolation.loglinearrate object is a function \(f\) returning at \(x\) the value \(\exp(x \cdot y)\) of the linear interpolated value \(y\) of \(\log(\frac{y_i}{x_i})\) and \(\log(\frac{y_{i+1}}{x_{i+1}})\) when \(x_i \leq x < x_{i+1}\), i.e.

\[f(x)=\exp\Big(x \cdot (\log(\frac{y_{i+1}}{x_{i+1}})-\log(\frac{y_i}{x_i})) \cdot \frac{x-x_i}{x_{i+1}-x_i}\Big)\]

>>> from math import log, exp
>>> from dcf.interpolation import loglinear
>>> c = loglinear([1,2,3], [exp(1*2),exp(2*3),exp(2*4)])
>>> log(c(0))
>>> log(c(1))
>>> log(c(1.5))
>>> log(c(1.51))
>>> log(c(2))
>>> log(c(4))


loglinear requires strictly positive values \(0<y_1 \dots y_n\).

class dcf.interpolation.logconstantrate(x_list=[], y_list=[])[source]

Bases: constant

log-constant interpolation by annual rates

  • x_list – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • y_list – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

A dcf.interpolation.logconstantrate object is a function \(f\) returning at \(x\) the value \(\exp(x \cdot y)\) of the constant interpolated value \(y\) of \(\log(\frac{y_i}{x_i})\) when \(x_i \leq x < x_{i+1}\), i.e.

\[f(x)=\exp\Big(x \cdot \log(\frac{y_i}{x_i})\Big)\]

>>> from math import log, exp
>>> from dcf.interpolation import logconstantrate
>>> c = logconstantrate([1,2,3], [exp(1*2),exp(2*3),exp(2*4)])
>>> log(c(1))
>>> log(c(1.5))
>>> log(c(1.51))
>>> log(c(2))
>>> log(c(3))


logconstantrate requires strictly positive values \(0<y_1 \dots y_n\).

class dcf.interpolation.interpolation_scheme(domain, data, interpolation=None)[source]

Bases: object

class to build piecewise interpolation function

  • domain (list(float)) – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • data (list(float)) – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

  • interpolation (function) –

    interpolation function on x_list (optional) or triple of (left, mid, right) interpolation functions with

Curve object to build function

\[f(x) = y\]
using piecewise various interpolation functions.

class dcf.interpolation.constant_linear_constant(domain, data, interpolation=None)

Bases: interpolation_scheme

class to build piecewise interpolation function

  • domain (list(float)) – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • data (list(float)) – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

  • interpolation (function) –

    interpolation function on x_list (optional) or triple of (left, mid, right) interpolation functions with

Curve object to build function

\[f(x) = y\]
using piecewise various interpolation functions.


alias of constant_linear_constant


alias of constant_loglinear_constant


alias of constant_loglinear_constant

class dcf.interpolation.logconstantrate_loglinearrate_logconstantrate(domain, data, interpolation=None)

Bases: interpolation_scheme

class to build piecewise interpolation function

  • domain (list(float)) – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • data (list(float)) – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

  • interpolation (function) –

    interpolation function on x_list (optional) or triple of (left, mid, right) interpolation functions with

Curve object to build function

\[f(x) = y\]
using piecewise various interpolation functions.


alias of logconstantrate_loglinearrate_logconstantrate

class dcf.interpolation.zero_linear_constant(domain, data, interpolation=None)

Bases: interpolation_scheme

class to build piecewise interpolation function

  • domain (list(float)) – points \(x_1 \dots x_n\)

  • data (list(float)) – values \(y_1 \dots y_n\)

  • interpolation (function) –

    interpolation function on x_list (optional) or triple of (left, mid, right) interpolation functions with

Curve object to build function

\[f(x) = y\]
using piecewise various interpolation functions.


alias of zero_linear_constant


dcf.compounding.simple_compounding(rate_value, maturity_value)[source]

simple compounded discount factor

  • rate_value – interest rate \(r\)

  • maturity_value – loan maturity \(\tau\)


\(\frac{1}{1+r\cdot \tau}\)

dcf.compounding.simple_rate(df, period_fraction)[source]

interest rate from simple compounded dicount factor

  • df – discount factor \(df\)

  • period_fraction – interest rate period \(\tau\)


\(\frac{1}{df-1}\cdot \frac{1}{\tau}\)

dcf.compounding.continuous_compounding(rate_value, maturity_value)[source]

continuous compounded discount factor

  • rate_value – interest rate \(r\)

  • maturity_value – loan maturity \(\tau\)


\(\exp(-r\cdot \tau)\)

dcf.compounding.continuous_rate(df, period_fraction)[source]

interest rate from continuous compounded dicount factor

  • df – discount factor \(df\)

  • period_fraction – interest rate period \(\tau\)


\(-\log(df)\cdot \frac{1}{\tau}\)

dcf.compounding.periodic_compounding(rate_value, maturity_value, period_value)[source]

periodicly compounded discount factor

  • rate_value – interest rate \(r\)

  • maturity_value – loan maturity \(\tau\)

  • period_value – number of interest rate periods \(m\)


\((1+\frac{r}{m})^{-\tau\cdot m}\)

dcf.compounding.periodic_rate(df, period_fraction, frequency)[source]

interest rate from continuous compounded dicount factor

  • df – discount factor \(df\)

  • period_fraction – interest rate period \(\tau\)

  • frequency – number of interest rate periods \(m\)


\((df^{-\frac{1}{\tau\cdot m}}-1) \cdot m\)

dcf.compounding.annually_compounding(rate_value, maturity_value)[source]

annually compounded discount factor

  • rate_value – interest rate \(r\)

  • maturity_value – loan maturity \(\tau\)



dcf.compounding.semi_compounding(rate_value, maturity_value)[source]

semi compounded discount factor

  • rate_value – interest rate \(r\)

  • maturity_value – loan maturity \(\tau\)


\((1+\frac{r}{2})^{-\tau\cdot 2}\)

dcf.compounding.quarterly_compounding(rate_value, maturity_value)[source]

quarterly compounded discount factor

  • rate_value – interest rate \(r\)

  • maturity_value – loan maturity \(\tau\)


\((1+\frac{r}{4})^{-\tau\cdot 4}\)

dcf.compounding.monthly_compounding(rate_value, maturity_value)[source]

monthly compounded discount factor

  • rate_value – interest rate \(r\)

  • maturity_value – loan maturity \(\tau\)


\((1+\frac{r}{12})^{-\tau\cdot 12}\)

dcf.compounding.daily_compounding(rate_value, maturity_value)[source]

daily compounded discount factor

  • rate_value – interest rate \(r\)

  • maturity_value – loan maturity \(\tau\)


\((1+\frac{r}{365})^{-\tau\cdot 365}\)


dcf.daycount.day_count(start, end)[source]

default day count function for rate period calculation

  • start – period start date \(t_s\)

  • end – period end date \(t_e\)


year fraction \(\tau(t_s, t_e)\) from start to end as a float

this default day_count function calculates the number of days between \(t_s\) and \(t_e\) expressed as a fraction of a year, i.e.

\[\tau(t_s, t_e) = \frac{t_e-t_s}{365.25}\]
as an average year has nearly \(365.25\) days.

Since different date packages have differnet concepts to derive the number of days between two dates, day_count tries to adopt at least some of them. As there are:

  • dates given already as year fractions as a float so \(\tau(t_s, t_e) = t_e - t_s\).

  • datetime the native Python package, so \(\delta = t_e - t_s\) is a timedelta object with attribute days which is used.

  • businessdate a specialised package for banking business calendar and time period calculations, so the BusinessDate object start has a method start.diff_in_days which is used.