Source code for dcf.curves.interestratecurve

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# dcf
# ---
# A Python library for generating discounted cashflows.
# Author:   sonntagsgesicht, based on a fork of Deutsche Postbank [pbrisk]
# Version:  0.7, copyright Sunday, 22 May 2022
# Website:
# License:  Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE file)

from dcf.compounding import continuous_rate, simple_compounding, simple_rate
from dcf.interpolation import constant, linear_scheme, \
from .curve import RateCurve

[docs]class InterestRateCurve(RateCurve): r"""Base class of interest rate curve classes All interest rate curves share the same four fundamental methodological methods * |InterestRateCurve().get_discount_factor()| * |InterestRateCurve().get_zero_rate()| * |InterestRateCurve().get_cash_rate()| * |InterestRateCurve().get_short_rate()| * |InterestRateCurve().get_swap_annuity()| All subclasses differ only in data types for storage and interpolation. """ @staticmethod def _get_storage_value(curve, x): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_discount_factor(self, start, stop=None): r"""discounting factor for future cashflows :param start: date $t_0$ to discount to :param stop: date $t_1$ for discounting from (optional, if not given $t_0$ will be **origin** and $t_1$ by **start**) :return: discounting factor $df(t_0, t_1)$ Assuming a constant bank account interest rate $r$ over time and interest rate compounding a bank account of $B_0=1$ at time $t_0$ will be some value $B_1$ at time $t_1$. For continuous compounding $B_1=B_0 * \exp(r\cdot (t_1-t_0))$, for more concepts of compounding see |dcf.compounding|. Since $B_1$ is equivalent to the value of $B_0$ at time $t_1$, $B_0/B_1$ can be understood to as the price at time $t_0$ of a bank account of $1$ at $t_1$. In general, discount factor $df(t_0, t_1)= B_0/B_1$ are used to give the price or present value $v_0(CF)$ at time $t_0$ of any cashflow $CF$ at time $t_1$ by $$v_0(CF) = df(t_0, t_1) \cdot CF.$$ This concept relates to the zero bond yields |InterestRateCurve().get_zero_rate()|. """ if stop is None: return self.get_discount_factor(self.origin, start) return self._get_compounding_factor(start, stop)
[docs] def get_zero_rate(self, start, stop=None): r"""curve of zero rates, i.e. yields of zero cupon bonds :param start: zero bond start date $t_0$ :param stop: zero bond end date $t_1$ :return: zero bond rate $z(t_0, t_1)$ Assume a current price is $P(t_0, t_1)$ at time $t_0$ of a zero cupon bond $P$ paying $1$ at maturity $t_1$ without any interest or cupons. Such zero bond prices are used to give the price or present value $v_0(CF)$ at time $t_0$ of any cashflow $CF$ at time $t_1$ by $$v_0(CF) = P(t_0, t_1) \cdot CF = \exp(-z(t_1-t_0) \cdot \tau(t_1-t_0)) \cdot CF$$ where $\tau$ is the day count method to calculate the year fraction of the interest accrual period form $t_i$ to $t_{i+1}$ given by |DateCurve().day_count()|. Note, this concept relates to the discount factor $df(t_0, t_1)$ of |InterestRateCurve().get_discount_factor()| by $$df(t_0, t_1) = \exp(-z(t_1-t_0) \cdot \tau(t_1 - t_0)).$$ Note, this concept relates to short rates $df(t_0, t_1)$ of |InterestRateCurve().get_short_rate()| by $$z(t_0,t_1)(t_1-t_0) = \int_{t_0}^{t_1} r(t) dt.$$ """ if stop is None: return self.get_zero_rate(self.origin, start) return self._get_compounding_rate(start, stop)
[docs] def get_short_rate(self, start): r"""constant interpolated short rate derived from zero rate :param date start: point in time $t$ of short rate :return: short rate $r_t$ at given point in time Calculation assumes a zero rate derived from a interpolated short rate, i.e. Let $r_t=r(t)$ be the short rate on given time grid $t_0, t_1, \dots, t_n$ and let $z(s, t)$ be the zero rate from $s$ to $t$ with $s, t \in \{t_0, t_1, \dots, t_n\}$. Hence, $$\int_s^t r(\tau) d\tau = \int_s^t c_s d\tau = \Big[c_s \tau \Big]_s^t = c_s(s-t)$$ and so $$c_s = z(s, t).$$ See also |InterestRateCurve().get_zero_rate()|. """ return self._get_short_rate(start)
def _get_short_rate(self, start): if start < min(self.domain): return self.get_short_rate(min(self.domain)) if max(self.domain) <= start: return self.get_short_rate( max(self.domain) - self._TIME_SHIFT) previous = max(d for d in self.domain if d <= start) follow = min(d for d in self.domain if start < d) if not previous <= start <= follow: raise AssertionError() if not previous < follow: raise AssertionError(list(map(str, (previous, start, follow)))) return self.get_zero_rate(previous, follow) def _get_linear_short_rate(self, start, previous, follow): r""" linear interpolated short rate derived from zero rate :param date start: point in time of short rate :param date previous: point in time of short rate grid before start :param date follow: point in time of short rate grid after start :return: short rate at given point in time Calculation assumes a zero rate derived from a linear interpolated short rate, i.e. let :math:`r_t` be the short rate on given time grid :math:`t_0, t_1, \dots, t_n` and let :math:`z_{T,t}` be the zero rate from :math:`t` to :math:`T` with :math:`t,T \in |{t_0, t_1, \dots, t_n\}`. Hence, we assume :math:`z_{T,t} (T-t) = \int_t^T r(\tau) d\tau`. Since .. math:: \int_t^T r(\tau) d\tau = \int_t^T r_t + a_t (\tau - t) d\tau = \Big[r_t \tau + \frac{a_t}{2} \tau^2 - a_t \tau \Big]_t^T = r_t(T-t) + \frac{a_t}{2} (T^2-t^2) - a_t(T-t) = r_t(T-t) + \frac{a_t}{2} (T+t)(T-t) - a_t(T-t) = r_t(T-t) + \frac{a_t}{2} (T-t)^2 and so .. math:: a_t = 2 \frac{z_{T,t} - r_t}{T-t} """ r = self.get_short_rate(previous) z = self.get_zero_rate(previous, follow) d = self.day_count(previous, follow) a = 2 * (z - r) / d return r + a * self.day_count(previous, start)
[docs] def get_cash_rate(self, start, stop=None, step=None): r"""interbank cash lending rate :param start: start date of cash lending :param stop: end date of cash lending (optional; default **start** + **step**) :param step: period length of cash lending (optional; by default **step** is taken from |RateCurve().forward_tenor|) :return: simple compounded interest (forward) rate $f$ Let **start** be $t_0$. If **step** and **stop** are given as $\tau$ and $t_1$ then **start** + **step** = **stop** must meet such that $t_0 + \tau = t_1$ in $$f(t_0, t_1)=\frac{1}{\tau}\big(\frac{1}{df(t_0, t_1)}-1\big).$$ Due to the `benchmark reform <>`_ most classical cash rates as the *LIBOR* rates have been replaced by overnight rates, e.g. *SOFR*, *SONIA* etc. Derived from future prediictions of overnight rates (aka *short term* rates) long term rates with tenors of $1m$, $3m$, $6m$ and $12m$ are published, too. For classical term rates see `LIBOR <>`_ and `EURIBOR <>`_, for overnight rates see `SOFR <>`_, `ESTR <>`_, `SONIA <>`_ and `SARON <>`_ as well as `TONAR <>`_. """ return self._get_cash_rate(start, stop, step)
def _get_cash_rate(self, start, stop=None, step=None): if stop and step: if not start + step == stop: raise AssertionError( "if stop and step given, start+step must meet stop.") if stop is None: stop = start + self.forward_tenor if step is None else start + step df = self._get_compounding_factor(start, stop) t = self.day_count(start, stop) return simple_rate(df, t)
[docs] def get_swap_annuity(self, date_list): r"""swap annuity as the accrual period weighted sum of discount factors :param date_list: list of period $t_0, \dots t_n$ :return: swap annuity $A(t_0, \dots, t_n)$ As $$A(t_0, \dots, t_n) = \sum_{i=1}^n df(0, t_i) \tau (t_i, t_{i+1})$$ with * $0$ given by |DateCurve().origin| * $df$ discount factor given by |InterestRateCurve().get_discount_factor()| * $\tau $ day count method to calculate the year fraction of the interest accrual period form $t_i$ to $t_{i+1}$ given by |DateCurve().day_count()| """ return sum( self.get_discount_factor(self.origin, e) * self.day_count(s, e) for s, e in zip(date_list[:-1], date_list[0:]) )
[docs]class DiscountFactorCurve(InterestRateCurve): r"""Interest rate curve storing and interpolating data as discount factor $$df(t)=y_t$$ """ _INTERPOLATION = log_linear_rate_scheme @staticmethod def _get_storage_value(curve, x): return curve.get_discount_factor(curve.origin, x) def __init__(self, domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None): if isinstance(domain, RateCurve): # if argument is a curve add extra curve points to domain # for better approximation if data: raise TypeError("If first argument is %s, " "data argument must not be given." % domain.__class__.__name__) data = domain origin = data.origin if origin is None else origin domain = sorted(set(list(data.domain) + [origin + '1d', max(data.domain) + '1d'])) super(DiscountFactorCurve, self).__init__(domain, data, interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor) def _get_compounding_factor(self, start, stop): if start is self.origin: return self(stop) return self(stop) / self(start) def _get_compounding_rate(self, start, stop): if start == stop == self.origin: # zero rate proxy at origin stop = min(d for d in self.domain if self.origin < d) # todo: # calc left extrapolation (for linear zero rate interpolation) return super(DiscountFactorCurve, self)._get_compounding_rate(start, stop)
[docs]class ZeroRateCurve(InterestRateCurve): r"""Interest rate curve storing and interpolating data as zero rates $$z(t)=y_t$$ """ _INTERPOLATION = linear_scheme @staticmethod def _get_storage_value(curve, x): return curve.get_zero_rate(curve.origin, x) def _get_compounding_rate(self, start, stop): if start == stop == self.origin: return self(self.origin) if start is self.origin: return self(stop) if start == stop: return self._get_compounding_rate( start, start + self.__class__._TIME_SHIFT) s = self(start) * self.day_count(self.origin, start) e = self(stop) * self.day_count(self.origin, stop) t = self.day_count(start, stop) return (e - s) / t
[docs]class ShortRateCurve(InterestRateCurve): r"""Interest rate curve storing and interpolating data as short rate $$r(t)=y_t$$ """ _INTERPOLATION = constant @staticmethod def _get_storage_value(curve, x): return curve.get_short_rate(x) def _get_compounding_rate(self, start, stop): if start == stop: return self(start) current = start rate = 0.0 step = self._TIME_SHIFT while current + step < stop: rate += self(current) * self.day_count(current, current + step) current += step rate += self(current) * self.day_count(current, stop) return rate / self.day_count(start, stop) def _get_short_rate(self, start): return self(start)
[docs]class CashRateCurve(InterestRateCurve): r"""Interest rate curve storing and interpolating data as cash rate $$f(t, t+\tau^*)=y_t$$ """ @staticmethod def _get_storage_value(curve, x): return curve.get_cash_rate(x) def __init__(self, domain=(), data=(), interpolation=None, origin=None, day_count=None, forward_tenor=None): if isinstance(domain, RateCurve): # if argument is a curve add extra curve points to domain # for better approximation if data: raise TypeError("If first argument is %s, " "data argument must not be given." % domain.__class__.__name__) data = domain origin = data.origin if origin is None else origin forward_tenor = data.forward_tenor \ if forward_tenor is None else forward_tenor new_domain = list(data.domain) for x in data.domain: while origin < x: new_domain.append(x) x -= forward_tenor domain = sorted(set(new_domain)) super(CashRateCurve, self).__init__(domain, data, interpolation, origin, day_count, forward_tenor) def _get_compounding_rate(self, start, stop): if start == stop: return self(start) current = start df = 1.0 step = self.forward_tenor while current + step < stop: dc = self.day_count(current, current + step) df *= simple_compounding(self(current), dc) current += step dc = self.day_count(current, stop) df *= simple_compounding(self(current), dc) return continuous_rate(df, self.day_count(start, stop)) def _get_cash_rate(self, start, stop=None, step=None): if stop and step: if not start + step == stop: raise AssertionError( "if stop and step given, start+step must meet stop.") if stop is None: stop = start + self.forward_tenor if step is None else start + step if stop == start + self.forward_tenor: return self(start) return super(CashRateCurve, self).get_cash_rate(start, stop)