Source code for dcf.daycount

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# dcf
# ---
# A Python library for generating discounted cashflows.
# Author:   sonntagsgesicht, based on a fork of Deutsche Postbank [pbrisk]
# Version:  0.7, copyright Sunday, 22 May 2022
# Website:
# License:  Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE file)

DAYS_IN_YEAR = 365.25

[docs]def day_count(start, end): r""" default day count function for rate period calculation :param start: period start date $t_s$ :param end: period end date $t_e$ :returns: year fraction $\tau(t_s, t_e)$ from **start** to **end** as a float this default **day_count** function calculates the number of days between $t_s$ and $t_e$ expressed as a fraction of a year, i.e. $$\tau(t_s, t_e) = \frac{t_e-t_s}{365.25}$$ as an average year has nearly $365.25$ days. Since different date packages have differnet concepts to derive the number of days between two dates, **day_count** tries to adopt at least some of them. As there are: * dates given already as year fractions as a `float <>`_ so $\tau(t_s, t_e) = t_e - t_s$. * `datetime <>`_ the native Python package, so $\delta = t_e - t_s$ is a **timedelta** object with attribute **days** which is used. * `businessdate <>`_ a specialised package for banking business calendar and time period calculations, so the **BusinessDate** object **start** has a method **start.diff_in_days** which is used. """ if hasattr(start, 'diff_in_days'): # duck typing businessdate.BusinessDate.diff_in_days return float(start.diff_in_days(end)) / DAYS_IN_YEAR diff = end - start if hasattr(diff, 'days'): # assume or finance.BusinessDate (else days as float) return float(diff.days) / DAYS_IN_YEAR # use year fraction directly return float(diff)